One creative Elden Ring player has made a character that looks like Santa Claus to commemorate the upcoming holiday season, which is a great time for gamers, as they get a lot of free time to play their favorite titles. The action RPG was very positively received thanks to its immersive story, nail-biting combat, and massive open world, but Elden Ring fans also enjoy the character creator.

Elden Ring players can design their character's physical and facial features at the beginning of the game using highly sophisticated creation tools. Although these features can't be changed later, gamers can always give a new look to their avatar by changing their attire. They can choose from hundreds of clothing options by purchasing from merchants or looting from different areas in the game. Some choose armor sets with higher defense but are heavy, while a few Elden Ring players prefer light armor for better mobility. One Elden Ring player who seems enthused about the holiday season dressed their character as a beloved Christmas figure.

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Reddit user SuperSmashBeers shared an image that shows their Elden Ring character, who looks very similar to Santa Claus. In modern tradition, Santa Claus is an old, bearded man with a plump body, and SuperSmashBeers's avatar has these characteristics and wields the Dark Moon Greatsword in each hand.

The player has taken full advantage of their attire to make it look like Santa Claus. For instance, SuperSmashBeers used the Fire Prelate Armor, one of the heaviest armors in Elden Ring, and the Glintstone Crown as headgear, which already has a bearded face engraved on it. The Glintstone Crown, combined with the Fire Prelate Armor, makes their Elden Ring character look nearly identical to Santa Claus. The Reddit community found it hilarious, while some compared SuperSmashBeers's character to George RR Martin, the game's writer.

Those who want to replicate this look in Elden Ring must acquire the Fire Prelate Armor and the Glintstone Crown, which are found in different areas. The Fire Prelate, a challenging enemy, drops the armor, while the headgear can be found in the Raya Lucaria Academy in Elden Ring. As mentioned earlier, the Fire Prelate Armor is quite heavy but is one of the best in the game regarding overall defense. Gamers who want to use this armor must ensure they have invested enough runes in Endurance to increase their maximum equip load.

Elden Ring is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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