The Rountable Hold in Elden Ring acts as a home base for the player. They can upgrade their gear, sell and buy items, and chat with other Tarnished about their adventures so far. Over the course of the game, there are about 14 different characters the player can meet at the Roundtable Hold.

There is a lot of lore behind these particular Elden Ring NPCs. Some of them ultimately betray the player, many die, and some even have personal quests that can impact which ending the player can get when they beat the final boss. Their stories are all vastly different, and some have lore very much tied to the history of the Lands Between.

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Brother Corhyn And Diallos Hoslow

Split image of Corhyn and Diallos in Roundtable Hold.

Brother Corhyn is one of many characters that can teach incantations. His goal is not to become Elden Lord, like many other Tarnished, but to actually be the new Elden Lord's counsel. He wishes to council them in the proper ways of the Golden Order. According to him, the Golden Order bestowed him the duty of documentarian, and he is very dedicated to that role. He seeks out Goldmask, a scholar of great renown, to document his wisdom. However, Corhyn ends up believing more in the Golden Order than the Goldmask when both are at odds with each other.

Diallos of House Hoslow is a man first met at Roundtable Hold while looking for a missing servant of his house. He has an older brother that can be met at the Mountaintops of the Giants, a hostile NPC named Juno Hoslow. According to lore, Juno inherited the Hoslow legacy because Diallos was known to be weak. This instilled insecurity in Diallos (despite his older brother loving him) and that is why he is seduced into joining Volcano Manor for a time when he sees an opportunity to prove himself.

D And Sorcerer Rogier

Split image of D and Rodgier.

D can actually be first met near Summonwater Village before he appears in Roundtable Hold. He is known as the Hunter of the Dead, as he seeks out Those Who Live in Death to put them back in the grave. He also weeds out Deathroot.Like Brother Corhyn, he is loyal to the ideals of the Golden Order. His real name is Darian, and he has a twin brother named Devin who dwells in the Siofra Aqueduct. He and Sorcerer Rogier also used to work together, until Rogier began to feel mercy and pity for Those Who Live in Death.

While Rogier can first be encountered at Stormveil Castle, he ends up at Roundtable Hold. His legs are covered due to being corrupted with Death while under Stormveil Castle and examining the body of the Prince of Death. While he lived his life as a sorcerer, Rogier mentioned once wishing to be a scholar that could learn of the truth behind Godwyn's death. His motives line up with Fia's, as he wanted to save Those Who Live in Death by obtaining this knowledge. While he once worked with D, the two are no longer on speaking terms due to their conflicting ideas about Those Who Live in Death.

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Mad Tongue Alberich And Ensha

Split image of Mad Tongue and Ensha.

Mad Tongue is unique, as he is a hostile invader on the lower floor of Roundtable Hold. Little is known about him, but it is said that he was driven mad long ago in the Roundtable Hold by "jeering tongues." He drops the item Taunter's Tongue, which can lure in multiplayer invaders. This may mean that Alberich went mad from constantly being invaded himself, or by being a constant invader.

Ensha is another untalkative character. He works for Ser Gideon as a bodyguard and becomes hostile after the player obtains half of the Haligtree Secret Medallion. Players believe him becoming hostile is actually under Gideon's orders, which makes sense considering Gideon's eventual betrayal in the game and how he was behind the slaughter in the Village of the Albinaurics (likely looking for the medallion). Many fans also theorized that Ensha is actually a soulless body of armor, and that is why he cannot speak.

Sir Gideon Ofnir and Nepheli Loux

Split image of Gideon and Nepheli.

Gideon's goal is to both be all-knowing and to be Elden Lord. He is known to be a sort of leader in Roundtable Hold and knows much of the demigods that hold Great Runes. He is Nepheli's adoptive father, but in-game scenes have shown him to see her more as a tool to be used than someone to dote on. Players believe Gideon may have ways to spy on others throughout the Lands Between, and that is how he accumulates knowledge on top of reading books. He also is the one who destroyed the Village of the Albinaurics, and fans believe it is because he seeks the Haligtree and Miquella, the one demigod whose location was absolutely unknown to him.

Nepheli can be first met at Stormveil Castle and later in Roundtable Hold. Unlike her father, she cares greatly for justice and helping others. Fans think her biological father may actually be Godfrey the first Elden Lord. This is due to the Loux name, as Godfrey's other name is Hoarah Loux. Nepheli mentions having her own hawks in the past, which she likely used for scouting purposes. She also mentions seeing a lot of oppression as a young girl, which influenced her desire to fight for the weak.

Fia The Deathbed Companion And Dung Eater

Split image of Fia and Dungeater.

Fia is a deathbed companion, which is said to be a sacred act where she comes from. Deathbed companions take vigor from champions and give it to dead nobles. When she was touched by Grace, though, she was exiled from her homeland. Like Rogier, she wants to save Those Who Live in Death. She plans to do this by collecting the curse marks of the Rune of Death and to lay with Godwyn the Golden. She can hug the player, but does so at the cost of the player's vitality.

The Dung Eater is a Tarnished in a room filled with corpses that eventually opens in the Roundtable Hold. He gets his namesake from the people of the Lands Between whom revile him. He killed many people and defiled them so that their souls cannot return to the Erdtree, possibly seeking to turn their bloodline into Omens. These crimes caused him to be hung in a public execution. His armor is designed to look like cut-off Omen horns and the sun on his chest is said to represent "the guidance he once saw." This hints that Dung Eater may have been a very different person a long time ago.

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Smithing Master Hewg And Roderika

Split image of Hewg and Roderika.

Hewg is interesting since he is actually a prisoner in the Roundtable Hold who cannot leave. He was put there by Marika herself to smith weapons, particularly with the goal to make one powerful enough to kill a god. Fans believe he is a Misbegotton, a race of people who have been oppressed into servitude. Despite being a prisoner, Hewg is not rebellious and is dedicated to making weapons, and cares little for freedom even when his chains are undone.

Roderika is a Tarnished first met outside of Stormveil Castle. She came with a group of other Tarnished, but they were all grafted by Godrick except for her. When she goes to Roundtable Hold, though, Hewg recognizes that she has a gift for Spirit Tuning. Indeed, she has a keen ability to sense spirits, and she begins to train and find a purpose to upgrade Spirit Ashes at Roundtable Hold.

Finger Reader Enia And The Two Fingers

Split image of Enia and the Two Fingers.

While Finger Readers can be found all about the Lands Between, Enia is different because she is the only one that still has her Two Fingers to interpret from. Of all in Roundtable Hold, she seems to be the most ancient. She mentions hundreds of years are nothing to her, and she also has the ability to turn Remembrances from certain bosses into items. Unlike many characters, she is actually open to the idea of cardinal sin and considers that the Two Fingers and the Greater Will may not always know truly what is right.

The Two Fingers in the Roundtable Hold cannot speak directly to the player and must be translated by Enia. They are special, as they are the only living two fingers the players find in the game. All other Two Fingers found are dead, which has caused many Finger Readers outside the Roundtable Hold to go insane.

Elden Ring is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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