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The Ring of Oath is a crucial key item in From Software's most recent Soulslike masterpiece, Elden Ring, that’s required to complete Ranni's questline and access a blocked area. Most players have likely encountered a barrier in the underground region, Lake of Rot, after killing Astel, Naturalborn of the Void. The requirement to pass through the fog is to have the Ring of Oath. However, Elden Ring doesn’t have an item called the Ring of Oath, so what is it really?

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The Ring of Oath is actually the Dark Moon Ring, and it symbolizes a cold oath made by Lunar Princess Ranni. It is said that the ring is supposed to be given to Ranni’s consort. Ranni seemed ready to leave everything behind as she traveled across the stars, but the connection she made with the Tarnished seemed to have changed her mind. Additionally, obtaining the Dark Moon Ring is important for players wishing to have the Age of Stars ending.

Updated August 3rd, 2023: Players that want to complete Ranni's Questline will usually find themselves a bit confused when they're asked to find the Ring of Oath. The Ring of Oath Location in Elden Ring is a bit confusing, as players must first kill a boss that can be somewhat difficult to find. This is made even more confusing as The Ring of Oath is actually called the Dark Moon Ring when players collect it. To better help players in locating the Ring of Oath, the following guide has been updated with a video.

Where To Find The Ring Of Oath in Elden Ring


The Ring of Oath or the Dark Moon Ring is actually in a place that the Tarnished has likely already been long before this part of the game. To be more specific, it's ‌in the Raya Lucaria Academy, in a chest inside the Grand Library of Raya Lucaria, right next to where Rennala's boss fight takes place. For players who haven't reached the Raya Lucaria Grand Library Site of Grace, here's a guide below for how to get there from the Red Wolf of Radagon (a boss that can actually be one-shotted).

Go To The Large Staircase From The Debate Parlor Grace


From the Debate Parlor Site of Grace, AKA the Red Wolf of Radagon boss' room, head out and players should see a large winding staircase to their immediate right. This is the path to the Grand Library, and the Tarnished needs to walk along one of the stone supports connected to the staircase in order to reach it.

Climbing The Grand Library Staircase


Jump on the one in the middle, then over the railing, and escalate the stairs. Be careful as there’s a moving sphere trap that’ll cause heavy damage on contact. Watch the magically summoned boulder, as it always follows the same path of bouncing between the two railings of the staircase. And, there's no way to stop it from summoning either, so players just need to memorize the pattern and run past it.

Getting Past Moongrum, The Carian Knight


Dodge it and travel into the hallway. Before moving forward, players will notice a Waygate on through a doorway on their right side. This Waygate is connected to the Church of Vows and is an alternate method for getting there. After going straight through the hallway. Waiting up ahead is Moongrum the Carian Knight; who can be a bit of a pain to fight thanks to his Carian Retaliation on his Carian's Knight Shield and the sorceries he casts with his Glintstone Staff.

Players can use the intended route to defeat him and carefully pick away at his health, being cautious of parries (rightfully so) and getting close when he switches weapons (a strangely powerful tactic in PvP). Or, alternatively, they can have him follow them onto the elevator and then kick him off for an easy kill. At the top of this elevator is the entrance to the Grand Library of Raya Lucaria, where the chest is located.

How To Get The Dark Moon Ring


As mentioned before, the Ring of Oath, aka Dark Moon Ring, can be found inside a chest in the Grand Library of Raya Lucaria Academy. The chest is in Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon’s boss' room.

The chest is accessible after defeating the Shardbearer, but, the chest itself is locked and the Discarded Palace Key used to open it is only obtained from Ranni herself in her Minature form after defeating the Baleful Shadow.

Where To Get The Discarded Palace Key


After progressing Ranni's questline enough to where she disappears from Renna's Rise, leaving the Waygate behind, players must use it, pick up the Miniature Ranni, and speak with the doll three times at the nearest Site of Lost Grace. She’ll then assign the Tarnished with the task of defeating the Baleful Shadow after her, located in the deeper parts of the underground area.

Unlocking The Chest & Obtaining The Dark Moon Ring


Upon killing the shadow, Ranni thanks the player, tells them to let Iji and Blaidd know that she loves them, and rewards the Tarnished with the Discarded Palace Key. Now, return to the Grand Library and open the locked chest to get the Dark Moon Ring.


After beating Astel, Naturalborn of the Void, proceed through the, now accessible, barrier and take the elevator down to the Grand Cloister. Note that this area is inaccessible unless players have the Dark Moon Ring in their Inventory. Finally, enter the Moonlight Altar and give Ranni the Dark Moon Ring to get an Elden Ring weapon, the Dark Moon Greatsword, and unlock the Age of Stars Ending.

Elden Ring is available now for PC, PlayStation 4 and 5, and Xbox One and Series X|S.

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