Several Elden Ring gamers are discussing who the oldest sibling in the Carian family is, which includes Ranni, Rykard, and Radahn. Elden Ring's world is full of many intriguing characters from different factions, like The Golden Order and the Carian family. The game mentions a complicated relationship between these two groups, as they've often shown animosity towards one another.

The Golden Order represents the Erdtree, Queen Marika, and the Royal City of Leyndell, whereas the Carians symbolize the Academy of Raya Lucaria and Queen Rennala. The two factions merged when Rennala married Radagon of The Golden Order and gave birth to three children: Ranni the Witch; Starscourge Radahn; and Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy. These three Elden Ring characters have a complex relationship, and the lore leaves many questions unanswered, including who is the oldest among them. Now, gamers are debating who is the oldest of the three Carian siblings in Elden Ring.

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Reddit user samneedsahug uploaded an image on the Elden Ring subreddit showing the three Carian characters simultaneously, starting an online discussion about their age. Many gamers came forward with their theories about who might be the oldest between Ranni, Radahn, and Rykard. Some Elden Ring fans opined that Radahn could be the oldest due to his proud and martial nature, as well as his desire to to be a fierce warrior and champion like his father. These fans portray Ranni as the youngest as she's closest to her mother and the lunar sorceries of Elden Ring. Finally, Rykard is seen as the middle child who is an outcast and neglected by his parents, causing him to develop unrealistic ambitions.

On the other hand, another group of Elden Ring fans pointed out that Radahn could be the youngest of the three due to his naivete, and he's the only one disillusioned by The Golden Order. Meanwhile, both Ranni and Rykard are planning to secede from the reign of the Erdtree. These fans argue that Ranni the Witch is the most mature of these Elden Ring characters, suggesting that she could be the oldest. Both explanations conclude that Rykard from Elden Ring is the middle child as he displays the notable traits associated with it.

There is a lot of merit to both of these Elden Ring theories as they provide adequate explanations to back them up. However, the developers are yet to confirm the birth order of Ranni, Rykard, and Radahn. Despite being siblings, the three characters from Elden Ring form entirely distinct personalities that have a profound impact on The Lands Between.

Elden Ring is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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