A comical Elden Ring fan art displays what SpongeBob SquarePants characters would look like re-imagined as Elden Ring NPCs and bosses. Elden Ring's influence is widespread and has seemingly seeped into the deep corners of popular culture, further advancing its already quick ascension. As the game's influence continues to grow and dominate the popular culture landscape there will continue to be demand for more Elden Ring content.

Although Elden Ring DLC is already on the way in the form of Shadow of the Erdtree, fans are still eager for Elden Ring material. Players are constantly uploading videos to Reddit, showcasing their character creations and fan art. Some players have even ventured out of their way to bring in characters from well-known television series like Breaking Bad or Naruto by using the extremely detailed character creation system to mimic the characters' facial features. This enthusiasm for the game and its universe has created a thriving community. Players can come together to share their love for the game, showcase their skills, and collaborate on projects that blur the lines between different franchises.

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TuxedoCrew, an Elden Ring fan on Reddit, posted their own art to the Elden Ring subreddit for all to see. The drawing shows the main protagonists of the television show SpongeBob SquarePants re-imagined as characters from Elden Ring. In the image, fans can find their favorite characters from both properties brought together into one. SpongeBob is dressed up to symbolize Godfrey, using his karate glove to represent Godfrey's axe while Gary is playing the role of Serosh on his shoulder. Sandy Cheeks is drawn as Malenia, Blade of Miquella, while Squidward is pictured as Ranni. Mr. Krabs and Pearl combine to form Godrick the Grafted, and Patrick duel-wielding jelly-fishing nets while simultaneously riding a rock is meant to be Radahn riding his horse Leonard into battle. The last characters pictured are Plankton as Rykard and Karen as Rykard's wife Tanith.

The artist wanted to make sure that each of the Elden Ring bosses and NPCs were properly paired with their SpongeBob SquarePants counterparts, so a lot of time was put into the planning behind the art. Perhaps the most appropriate pairing is Plankton as Rykard and Karen as Tanith. The characters have eloped, so it makes sense that these two were paired together in this fashion. Squidward fits well into the Ranni role as they both have multiple limbs and pale skin.

The Elden Ring community's ability to merge their love for the game with other franchises and mediums is not only a testament to the game's popularity but also to the creativity and innovation of its fans. In this way, Elden Ring has become not just a game, but a cultural phenomenon that continues to inspire and unite fans in exciting and unexpected ways.

Elden Ring is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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