Elden Ring has some disturbingly hideous enemies like all other games by FromSoftware. Players will encounter many terrifying monsters in their journey across the Lands Between, especially in the many caves and catacombs. Elden Ring also features several memorable bosses that are just as frightening, with Mohg perhaps being infamous for his evil looks.

Mohg is a demigod in the world of Elden Ring. Players can fight him in a late-game area called Mohgwyn Palace, which can be assessed by using a teleporter hidden in the Consecrated Snowfield region. Mohg is not an easy fight, and he has an especially deadly attack that requires players to use their healing flask at a precise moment to avoid dying. Mohg can be intimidating, and one Elden Ring player found a disturbing detail about his design.

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A Redditor named Razhork posts a picture of a close-up of Mohg, showing that one of his horns goes into his eye socket. Many gamers probably miss this detail as it’s difficult to notice it in the cutscene that plays before the boss fight. Among the many gruesome enemy designs and locations in Elden Ring, Mohg’s horn going through his eye is one of the most horrifying.

Many users point out that his design is based on species of Goat and Boar whose horns grow inside their skulls. This fact surprisingly starts a discussion on evolution and how it affects various animals on Earth. Later on, fans go deep into Elden Ring’s lore and how the horn relates to Mohg’s backstory while also bringing up his evil nature and disgusting character traits.

Some players mention that they never noticed this detail because they were too busy repeatedly dying to Mohg. Upon defeating him, players get the Remembrance of the Blood Lord, which they can exchange for Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear at the Roundtable Hold. Aside from its striking design, Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear has a unique ability that can help players defeat AFK rune farmers on rooftops.

Elden Ring came out two months ago, and players find new exciting details almost every day, with some being cleverly hidden in its late-game areas. One Elden Ring player noticed an interesting detail in New Game+ mode, as they realized that all Divine Towers are visible from the opening area Limgrave. Fans will most likely continue to find these neat details for the next few months as they explore every inch of Elden Ring in search of secrets.

Elden Ring is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Elden Ring: How To Activate Morgott's And Mohg's Great Rune