Miquella's Haligtree is an optional area in Elden Ring, and it is one that many players will be interested in visiting. Before fans can reach this location, though, they must first fulfill several prerequisites. This guide will detail those prerequisites and help players travel to Elden Ring's Miquella's Haligtree.

Elden Ring: How to Get to Miquella's Haligtree

Assemble the Haligtree Secret Medallion

elden ring miquellas haligtree

The first step toward traveling to Miquella's Haligtree is to complete Elden Ring's Haligtree Secret Medallion, which is made up of two halves. The right half of this medallion is earned by navigating to the Village of the Albinaurics in southwest Liurnia and hitting a large pot in the position that is marked on the map above. The left half of the medallion is on the roof of Castle Sol in north Mountaintops of the Giants, just past the location's boss, and again its position is shown on the map.

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Ride the Grand Lift of Rold

elden ring miquellas haligtree

After assembling the Haligtree Secret Medallion, players should make their way to the bottom of the Grand Lift of Rold, which sits between the Altus Plateau and the Mountaintops of the Giants. Fans should then choose to hoist the Secret Medallion, causing the lift to take them an unexplored portion of the Mountaintops of the Giants. The Consecrated Snowfield is the first location that players will encounter in this area, and they should make sure to activate its Site of Grace in Elden Ring.

Ordina Liturgical Town Puzzle

From the Consecrated Snowfield, players should head north until they reach Ordina, Liturgical Town and solve the puzzle that is found there. This puzzle centers around lighting four flames, and it will undoubtedly remind fans of Elden Ring's Sellia, Town of Sorcery puzzle. Here are details on how to light the four flames in Ordina, Liturgical Town, and a seal will be broken when the last one is lit:

elden ring miquella's haligtree
  1. Start from the Ordina Liturgical Town Site of Grace, enter the town from the south, and climb two sets of stairs.
  2. At the top of the second set of stairs, use Torrent in Elden Ring jump onto the low rooftop on the left. Then jump to the higher portion of the building and double jump northward across the gap to reach an evergaol.
  3. Enter the evergaol, walk east, descend the stairs on the right, and interact with the statue on the left to light the first flame.
  4. From the first flame, head west a few paces. There is a descending set of stairs on the left and a narrow pathway just past it. Follow that pathway around the building and climb the ladder at the end. Climb a second ladder to reach the next statue.
  5. Jump off the east side of the tower to reach the roof of a building. Head northward, using the narrow walkways to reach a ladder on the roof of the north-most building. The third flame is at the top of that ladder.
  6. Descend the ladder and drop to where the evergaol is located. Continue west to reach the ground and travel south after passing the building on the left. There is a ladder at the southwest corner of that building that leads to the final statue.

Use the Portal in Ordina Liturgical Town

elden ring ordina miquellas haligtree

Elden Ring players can now access the portal at the northeast corner of Ordina, Liturgical Town, and it will send them directly to Miquella's Haligtree.

Elden Ring is available now for PC, PlayStation 4 and 5, and Xbox One and Series X|S.

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