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The map in Elden Ring is something new to FromSoftware RPGs, though most other games feature a map of some kind. The map isn't like most open-world game maps, though, and does very little to guide the player towards points of interest. In fact, the map is almost completely devoid of detail – that is, unless you collect Map Fragments.

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Map Fragments in Elden Ring are essential collectibles, and something every player should go for first when exploring an unrevealed area. Map Fragments are strewn about The Lands Between but are easy to find as they always spawn on the same monument whose location is surprisingly easy to find.

To Reveal Elden Ring's Map, You Need Map Fragments

Elden Ring World Map Fragments Guide Unmarked

Map Fragments reveal Elden Ring's world map, but only in small parcels. It would be accurate to compare this feature to Breath of the Wild's Sheikah Tower system, which reveals entire regions upon discovery. Map Fragments are associated with a subregion of a larger zone, and collecting them all for a region can go a long way in making navigation and orienteering easier.

Map Fragments are automatically added to your world map when picked up, but they only outline the basic topography, roads, and environmental features of the area. The game lets players use Map Markers for a reason; they're the only way to highlight points of interest, which makes it much easier to return to a boss, a hidden NPC, or a source of crafting materials.

How To Find Map Fragments In Elden Ring

Elden Ring World Map Fragments Guide Castle Morne Obelisk Location

To find Map Fragments in Elden Ring, first look at your empty map more closely. There isn't much to see, but if you look alongside the faint outlines of roads you will see faded obelisk-like markers. These symbols, little more than smudges, show where a Beacon can be found.

Map Fragments for a given area can be found at the base of these Beacons, which themselves are tall monuments that jut out from the roadside. With the map screen open, place a Beacon on these points with the A button (or X) to highlight their location in the world with a beam of light, which can be seen surprisingly far. Some of these Beacons are surrounded by enemies, like the first Map Fragment by the Gatefront Ruins Site of Lost Grace which is in the middle of a small army of Godrick Soldiers.

Elden Ring is available now for PC, PlayStation 4 and 5, and Xbox One and Series X|S.

MORE: Complete Guide To Elden Ring: Weapons, Tips, Tricks, Bosses, & Builds