One of the most unique and alluring factors of FromSoftware titles is the sense of community that they foster, and the massively popular Elden Ring being no different. As well as bonding over the triumphs and defeats of the notoriously difficult games, the in-game invasions and summons that FromSoftware games often include are a huge part of developing a spirit of community.

Within Elden Ring specifically, a single player has taken the community by storm, and has created a legendary reputation for themselves. Known as "Let Me Solo Her," the mysterious player has risen to the forefront of community discourse via their selfless nature and massive amounts of skill.

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The Basics of Elden Ring's Let Me Solo Her

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Let Me Solo Her also goes by Klein Tsuboi on Twitter and YouTube, and is a player that has become a staple of Elden Ring's community identity since the game released in February of this year. The player initially rose to notoriety simply through word of mouth, appearing in many people's games as a summonable co-op player in Elden Ring's multiplayer.

Importantly, Let Me Solo Her consistently joined games as a summon just before the Malenia, Blade of Miquella bossfight, which is considered by many as one of the hardest bossfights in all of Elden Ring. Upon joining a player's game, Let Me Solo Her is known to take on and defeat the ominous boss by themselves, hence the name. The massive amount of skill displayed by the player in single-handedly taking down such a difficult boss helped push Let Me Solo Her to community stardom, with the fact that they were also helping out other players only boosting the buzz even further.

As of the time of writing, Let Me Solo Her has defeated Malenia over a staggering 2,000 times, giving credence to the sheer dedication and ability that has seen the player become so popular. To compound the skill of Let Me Solo Her even further, they have achieved these 2,000 victories with dual katanas, while only wearing a pot helmet for armor. This extremely unique look became synonymous with the player, leading to a massive abundance of fan art and community interpretations of the player's character.

How the Elden Ring Community Has Interacted With Let Me Solo Her


As their acts quickly spread through the Elden Ring community early on into the game's release, fan art featuring Let Me Solo Her only became more and more frequent. Figurines have even been made depicting Let Me Solo Her's iconic character, typifying how revered the player is amongst Elden Ring fans.

Homages to the player have extended to existing within the game itself, with in-game mods for Elden Ring adding Let Me Solo Her as an NPC that can be summoned. In a typically tongue-in-cheek manner, there have also been many copycat variants of Let Me Solo Her within the Elden Ring community, with "Let Her Solo Me" being one example.

Let Me Solo Her has been vocally thankful for the overwhelming presence that they now hold within the Elden Ring zeitgeist, with their exploits now being officially recognized by Bandai Namco itself, who is the publisher of the title. To commemorate the communal phenomenon of the player's legacy, as well as to celebrate them defeating Malenia over 2,000 times, Bandai Namco gifted Let Me Solo Her with a sword, as well as a slew of other official Elden Ring goodies. With how big of an impact Let Me Solo Her has already had on Elden Ring, it is clear that they are not going to fade out of the memory of fans anytime soon.

Elden Ring is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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