There are a lot of areas in Elden Ring that are inaccessible thanks to locked doors, glyphs, levers, walls, or other mechanics. Players often find themselves going on long journeys through hidden pathways only to be met by a tightly shut gate. Players that ended up exploring the area outside Leyndell, Royal Capital may have come across an area known as the Sealed Tunnel. Those that have made their way through this zone will find a small path on the other side of the boss room that leads to the massive Divine Tower of West Altus.

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If players walked up to the massive iron doors without meeting the pre-requisite, the entrance will remain firmly shut. For those confused on what to do, here's how to get inside the Divine Tower of West Altus in Elden Ring.

Finding The Divine Tower Of West Altus

Elden Ring Divine Tower West Altus Map

The first step is making it to the Divine Tower of West Altus. This location is fairly-well hidden as its located in the mountainside South of Leyndell, Royal Capital. To reach the area, players need to head to the Sealed Tunnel. The easiest way to make it to the cave, for those that have yet to explore the area, is to start from the Outer Wall Phantom Tree Site of Grace just inside the Southwestern walls of the Royal Capital and head Southeast, near the edge of a cliff and down a ramp-like bit of terrain that leads to a watery chasm. From there, players can head South towards the tall rock wall, where they'll eventually spot the small entrance to the Sealed Tunnel.

The tunnel itself is fairly straightforward and pretty linear, though it is important to note that there are many illusionary walls that players will need to strike to delve deeper into the area. Once players make it to an area where they must jump down some tree branches, they're close to the boss room. After defeating the waiting Onyx Lord, players will be able to progress through the other side of the boss room and open the area connecting to the Divine Tower of West Altus. There is a Site of Grace here but players that haven't defeated the appropriate boss will be met with a locked door.

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How To Open The Diving Tower Of West Altus And Get Inside

Elden Ring Divine Tower West Altus SHot

Although the path to the Divine Tower of West Altus is a little confusing for some, the prerequisite for opening it is fairly straightforward. Players will simply need to progress the Volcano Manor quest line until they've defeated the Demi-God, Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy. To start the questline, players can use the following guide to reach Volcano Manor. Once they've done enough "hunts" for Tanith, she will allow them to seek an audience with Rykard himself. Defeating the Demi-God will reward players with Rykard's Great Rune.

Once the players have Rykard's Great Rune, they can return to the Divine Tower of West Altus, open the doors, and progress to the top. There, they can activate Rykard's Great Rune to use themselves.

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