Not to be confused with the Unalloyed Gold Needle in Millicent's quest, Elden Ring's Gold Sewing Needle sounds similar but does something completely different (and is far easier to obtain). It is a particularly useful item for players that use legendary boss armor. It also requires doing at least some of Boc the Seamster's quest.

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Getting the needle is actually the most easy part, as it only takes a trip to the Church of Vows. Using it is a whole other matter, as Elden Ring's legendary boss armor requires defeating legendary bosses like the Lord of Blood, Radahn, and Malenia. It is also important to know that only certain pieces of legendary boss armor can be used with the Gold Sewing Needle.

How To Get The Needle

Obtaining the Gold Sewing Needle.

The Gold Sewing Needle is in a chest by the altar at the Church of Vows. The church sits in the eastern side of Liurnia of the Lakes. It can be found by either following the road in eastern Liurnia or by taking a Waygate in the Raya Lucaria Academy. The Church of Vows is worth visiting for more than just the needle, but also to meet the fan-favorite turtle NPC, Miriel.

At the church, players can also get Golden Tailoring Tools, and equipment such as Blessing's Boon and the Carian Greatsword. Once the Needle is obtained from the chest, it is time to put it to use.

How To Use The Needle

Talking to Boc.

The Needle is to be given to Boc the Seamster, but only after completing the beginning of his questline. To meet Boc for the first time, go to the south of the Site of Grace in Agheel Lake North. He will be a small tree but can be found by following his calls for help. After talking to him, he will move to the Coastal Cave that sits in west Limgrave. Within the cave, the Tarnished can retrieve his sewing needle. Give it to Boc, and he will service himself to be the seamster for the Tarnished.

Then Boc can be found at these four Sites of Grace after they are rested at:

  • The Lake-Facing Cliffs
  • East Raya Lucaria Gate
  • Altus Highway Junction
  • The East Captial Rampart

With Boc at these locations, the Gold Sewing Needle can be given to him. However, the Tarnished must be wearing alterable demigod attire along with possessing the needle. These demigod armors are unlocked to buy after their demigod is defeated. The Tarnished can buy these at the Roundtable Hold from the Finger Reader.

The alterable demigod clothes are:

  • Radahn's Lion Armor
  • Lord of Blood's Robe
  • Malenia's Armor
  • Maliketh's Armor

Note that the dialogue option to give Boc the needle will not pop up unless the Tarnished is wearing an unaltered piece of boss armor. Also remember that what Boc does to armor does not affect stats, but just the look of the armor. For example, it can give or remove a cape to Rahdan's armor.

Elden Ring is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

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