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One of the most powerful colossal swords that the Tarnished can find in The Lands Between is the Godslayer's Greatsword, and it can be found relatively early in the game depending on how skilled the player is.

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The sword is made of two coils emanating from the hilt and is a monument to the ideologies of the Godskin Apostles. This sword was sealed away after the Dusk-Eyed Queen was defeated by Maliketh the Black Blade. The additional fire damage that this sword provides to the incredible base damage makes this a solid pick for melee builds.

Where To Find Godslayer's Greatsword

Caelid Divine Tower

To start with, the Tarnished will want to head in the direction of Caelid, specifically, they will want to head to the Divine Tower of Caelid. Thankfully the Divine Tower is fairly easy to spot because it soars above all other landmarks in the north of Dragonbarrow, it's almost impossible to miss. To gain access to the building, they will first need to climb the outside.

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Climbing the outside of the Divine Tower requires skilled platforming from the player and a couple of well-placed jumps from Torrent to get to the higher reaches. Along with this, they will also need to deal with enemy soldiers camped out in certain areas, usually hiding in the corners near ladders. These close quarters fights are a quick way to fall off the tower, so caution is advised.

Descending Divine Tower Of Caelid

Descending Divine Tower Of Caelid

Once the player has reached the Divine Tower Site of Grace, they will then need to move inside and descend all the way down to the basement of the tower, where the Godslayer's Greatsword is kept. The inside of the tower has two Radahn Knights and a Blackflame Monk ready to keep the player busy along with several moments that will test their jumping ability.

Player Fighting Blackflame Monk

There are several long, concrete pillars that extend from the central pillar of the inner tower. Jumping on these may cause them to break, causing the player to fall down a few floors without them taking any fall damage. The player should be able to take an elevator up to the top of the tower to open a shortcut and another path that should take them to another elevator that will take them to the basement.

Godskin Apostle Strategies

Player Fighting Godskin Apostle

Upon reaching the basement and after the Blackflame Monk is dealt with, the only thing that stands between the Tarnished and the Godslayer's Greatsword is the Godskin Apostle. This will likely be the first time that the player will be facing the Apostle in the game considering that the Divine Tower isn't too far from Limgrave.

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Due to this, The Apostle is an extremely powerful enemy for the area and will have a massive health bar for early game weapons. Thankfully, there are several different ways to easily beat him. The player can use sleeping pots to put the Apostle to sleep for a short time; this will allow the Tarnished to get a few hits in for free while the Apostle recovers.

Other than using a strong summon like Lhutel the Headless, it mostly comes down to the player remembering the Apostle's well-telegraphed attacks and how to dodge them. Depending on how early the Tarnished tries this fight, it shouldn't take them too long to beat the Apostle.

Player Obtaining Godslayer's Greatsword

Once the Apostle is defeated, the player will be able to go into the back room past the boss to find a chest containing the Godslayer's Greatsword, imbued with the power of the Godskin Apostles.

Elden Ring is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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