The Lands Between are surrounded by a sea of fog, separating them from the entirety of Elden Ring’s world. There are certainly other locations out there, but this fog does two things well. First, it creates a mystery about the rest of the world, as the edges of Elden Ring’s map depict these fog clouds that cover the sea and beyond. Secondly, it’s a good frame to keep players guessing at the world size as they seek to uncover it.

Farum Azula is a good example, as it comes across as one of the most surprising additions to the map in the game. It’s where story, gameplay, and map design come together flawlessly. But the general fog, nonetheless, gives the world shape. One cloud of fog is suspicious, as it seems random in regard to the other fog on the map. Really, it looks like it could be hiding a piece of Elden Ring DLC.

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Elden Ring Map: DLC and Fog

elden ring map

In roughly the center of the map—north of Limgrave, South of Leyndell, and East of Liurnia is a cloud of fog. It plays no role in giving the world shape, instead just acting as filler for this area of the map. That’s not really the game’s style, though, and on its own, it seems like it could be hiding something.

Furthermore, Redditor Dvoraxx recently pointed out that this cloud is the midway point for all the Divine Towers in Elden Ring. That could seemingly suggest something is meant to be there. Those who have modified the game to look at this area found a square shape in the water, but nothing of real content. It’s suspicious, as it could mean something was intended to be there.

What This Elden Ring DLC Could Be

elden ring endings

Some lore could explain this, as the Elden Stars spell suggests that a golden star “bearing a beast” once crashed into the Lands Between, and from it the Elden Ring was crafted. Exploring the origins of the Elden Ring, as well as the beast that came alongside it, would be interesting, and this square could be a temple of some sort built around this site. It could be underwater, and if that is the case, it could likely be brought out of it.

There are rumors that an Elden Ring PvP Arena DLC could be in the works, and perhaps it all ties together. It was accessible in Limgrave, though only through certain modifications, but again, Limegrave’s Divine Tower is not far from this location on the map. While a PvP arena on its own is a fun idea, it would be interesting if there was more of a story and lore reason for Tarnished to combat other Tarnished, potentially tying back to this beast or the creation of the Elden Ring.

Even if these were separate DLC, it seems safe to say fans want more Elden Ring. It’s already Game of the Year to many folks, and while it has no shortage of content, all good things come to an end. More Elden Ring would definitely not be a bad thing.

Elden Ring is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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