Colossal Weapons tend to be the embodiment of high-risk, high-reward in Elden Ring. They can dish out massive amounts of damage in a short span, but their slow attack animations and long casting times on special abilities leave players wide open to counterattacks. In the right hands, though, Colossal Weapons can end a boss fight quicker than any other weapon category and are absolutely devastating to fellow Elden Ring players in PvP situations.

For the most part, Colossal Weapons pair well with a Strength build in Elden Ring, as well as relatively high Endurance so that players can wield a heavy weapon while maintaining a Medium equipment load. Also, since they are typically paired with Strength, a jumping attack can be a great tactic for players using Colossal Weapons as a way to break an enemy's poise meter to land a devastating critical blow.

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Fallingstar Beast Jaw Gravity Elden Ring
  • Fallingstar Beast Jaw: The Fallingstar Beast Jaw is a rare combination of a quick, efficient attack animation and a powerful unique weapon ability, Gravity Bolt. At first glance, Gravity Bolt may not seem all that exciting compared to alternative options, but it's one of the most broken weapon choices in Elden Ring PvP due to its high stagger chance.
  • Giant-Crusher: While it may look absurd, the Giant-Crusher is a perfect dual-wield weapon candidate. After buffs like "Flame, Grant Me Strength," and "Royal Knight's Resolve," the Giant-Crusher becomes an absolute powerhouse, perfectly capable of dispatching even the most durable bosses in one or two hits.
  • Envoy's Greathorn: A quirky choice for Faith-based builds in Elden Ring, the Envoy's Greathorn sends a big bubble at enemies that tends to be surprisingly difficult to dodge. Aside from its unique ability, Envoy's Greathorn boasts surprisingly fluid attack animations and speed, making it a top-tier choice for both PvP and PvE.
  • Golem's Halberd: Though it was initially overlooked for flashier options like the Prelate's Inferno Crozier, the Golem's Halberd's amazing sweeping attack is finally getting the limelight. It scales on par with the Giant-Crusher and other alternatives, but its beautiful attack animations set it apart from the crowd.


Prelate Inferno Crozier Hammer Elden Ring Flames
  • Prelate's Inferno Crozier: The Prelate's Inferno Crozier has a terrible set of attack animations. It was still an S-Tier choice pre-Patch 1.03, but after its damage took a hit, there are simply better options. The flames it leaves behind during its Prelate's Charge ability are surprisingly useful, but are outclassed by other options in PvP. Still, it's one of the best-looking Colossal Weapons out there.
  • Troll's Hammer: The Troll's Hammer is a true outlier in that it is one of the few Faith-scaling weapons that can be enchanted in the entire game. It naturally lends itself to rather creative builds and can make short work of even the strongest bosses in Elden Ring.
  • Watchdog's Staff: Its unique ability, Sorcery of the Crozier, scales with Strength and is a missile ability that seeks enemies. It provides welcome relief to a Strength-based build that can get stuck on difficult bosses, and it ranks up there with Elden Ring's best Sorcery spells.
  • Staff of the Avatar: While it initially didn't work as intended, the Staff of the Avatar seems to have been fixed in Elden Ring's 1.03 patch. Now, it works basically as intended as a niche pick for Strength and Faith builds. It makes the A-tier for its extremely strong base stats and its ability to combine well with other offhand weapons.

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Great Club Golden Land Missiles Elden Ring
  • Great Club: The Great Club comes equipped with a flashy yet ultimately useless Ash of War, Golden Land, that spawns a bunch of golden missiles that do not lock onto enemies. If it wasn't upgradable with regular Smithing Stones, its slow attack animations would probably relegate it to the C-tier.
  • Ghiza's Wheel: Perhaps the only Colossal Weapon that can reliably apply its status effect in Elden Ring. Since its unique ability, Spinning Wheel, can hit an enemy multiple times in quick succession, Ghiza's Wheel has the ability to dish out massive damage. Unfortunately, it's arguably one of the most difficult weapons to use in the entire game, requiring players to always remain on top of their game.


Dragon Greatclaw Endure Elden Ring
  • Dragon Greatclaw: It's not particularly bad; it's not particularly good. The Dragon Greatclaw has an underwhelming ability that boosts poise, and it is decent enough at staggering enemies, but it doesn't stand out in any meaningful way from the crowd.
  • Duelist Greataxe: Much like its C-tier counterpart the Dragon Greatclaw, the Duelist Greataxe is sort of a middling weapon that doesn't excel in any particular area. It can be upgraded with regular Smithing Stones, but the investment is better used elsewhere. The Duelist Greataxe is also a notoriously rare drop from Leyndell, meaning that players could end up devoting hours to obtain a weapon that is mediocre at best.


Axe of Godfrey Weapon art Elden Ring
  • Axe of Godfrey: It's probably shocking for most players to see a Remembrance Weapon way down in the D-tier, but the Axe of Godfrey is a complete disaster in its current state. Sure, it has a decent enough unique ability that can be helpful against mobs, but it has absolutely terrible scaling that makes it one of the worst choices against bosses. For a weapon that comes basically near the end of the game, it's better left on the shelf.
  • Rotten Staff: A much worse version of the Staff of the Avatar. It's relatively easy to obtain since it's a guaranteed drop from an Erdtree Avatar in Elphael, but there's not much argument to made for its effectiveness. It drops the Faith aspect of the Staff of the Avatar, which pretty much destroys any point of using it.
  • Rotten Greataxe: At first, the Rotten Greataxe seems like a good concept since it applies Scarlet Rot. Unfortunately, any Colossal Weapon that relies on applying a status effect like Scarlet Rot is going to rank fairly poorly. The truth is that Colossal Weapons, in general, are too slow to reliably apply status effects, meaning that it pales in comparison to lighter, quicker options that apply the same effect.

Elden Ring is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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