It's an understatement to say that Let Me Solo Her is a legend in the Elden Ring community. This player appeared one day, helping struggling players against Malenia by soloing her right in front of their eyes. Let Me Solo Her's name and reputation quickly spread throughout the community, and to date, they've beaten Malenia over 2000 times.

To celebrate Let Me Solo Her's achievements, Bandai Namco event sent them a gift in the form of an Elden Ring sword, a real sword. That's quite the gift, but it doesn't seem Let Me Solo Her is going anywhere and have been engaging more and more with their community. Fans have made art and even statues of Let Me Solo Her's naked-but-pot-headed character, and it seems even one fan known as Walter's Workshop on Twitter sent them a figure of their character. Of course, with Let Me Solo Her revealing they now have an Elden Ring's Collector's Edition (which comes with a Malenia statue), a battle between the two was inevitable.

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Sharing this on their personal Twitter, one image shows their tiny mini-figure of the Let Me Solo Her character facing off with the giant Malenia statue. The difference is quite clear, given that one is a miniature more befitting a tabletop RPG and the other is an actual statue. It's still an epic pose, and Elden Ring fans seem to have had a field day with this.

Let Me Solo Her would even share a picture of their miniature sitting in the hand of Malenia, with the hilarious caption of "don't talk to me or my son ever again." The height difference was also the source of a couple of jokes in the comments, but nonetheless, it is an interesting scenario. It's a one-of-a-kind situation, and putting the two items so close together is a great idea.

It'll be interesting to see what comes next for Let Me Solo Her, but they have a dedicated following. In fact, after Let Me Solo Her has beaten so many Malenia boss fights for players, they recently hosted a stream where they had fans fight Boss fights for them. This sort of wholesome engagement is so good for the community, which is sometimes seen as crude.

It stands to reason that Elden Ring DLC will feature bosses harder to beat for Malenia, and while Let Me Solo Her's services are already legendary, doing it again with whatever endgame-level boss the DLC introduces could be another stepping stone in the future.

Elden Ring is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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