Elden Ring is a massive open-world game with no shortage of brutal bosses, both simple and complex, that continually challenge players throughout the game’s lengthy runtime. One skilled fan has completed the game 16 times and gone the extra mile by compiling a vast Elden Ring boss tier list based on how enjoyable each boss is.

An estimated 150 boss fights are scattered throughout the Lands Between, and despite their routinely punishing nature, fans have come to love the process of fighting an Elden Ring boss. Some fan-favorite brawls include taking on the formidable Starscourge Radahn, the intimidating Malenia Blade of Miquella, and the lowly Tibia Mariner. When Elden Ring launched in February of this year, both critics and fans applauded the game’s abundance of bosses, and it would be only a matter of time before fans began ranking these bosses in various ways. After all, the Souls community is no stranger to creating boss tier lists ranging from broad categories like difficulty all the way down to fashion sense.

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One of the more popular tier lists comes from Reddit user Prsy0220, who has ranked every major boss in the game based purely on enjoyment after completing Elden Ring 16 times. Prsy0220's list is organized starting at the S tier, which contains the most enjoyable bosses, down to the F tier for the least enjoyable bosses. Each Elden Ring boss is also ordered from left to right in order of the user's favorite boss within every tier. This list contains almost 90 bosses, so it's not too far from the estimated 150 bosses included in the game and should contain every boss that fans are familiar with and likely to see throughout a complete playthrough.

Starting at the top, Prsy0220 ranks Maliketh, Godfrey, Mohg, Dragonlord Placidusax, and Starscourge Radahn as the most enjoyable bosses in Elden Ring. At the lowest tier is the Kindred of Rot, Putrid Tree Spirit, the Runebear, Royal Revenant, and the Crystalians. Notably, Prsy0220 has also included a separate “Unrankable” tier for the Soldier of Godrick and Tibia Mariner because both bosses are “beyond the concept of mere tier lists.” It appears that the highest ranks are where the more mechanically rigorous bosses lie, while the lower ranks feature bosses like the Crystalians, which are simple and often gimmick-based fights.

Naturally, some dissenting opinions about these rankings will arise due to the subjective nature of enjoyment. Many Elden Ring fans may find themselves putting some of the more formidable bosses like Malenia lower on the list due to the highly challenging nature of that boss fight. However, many fans appear to agree with Prsy0220 and their boss tier list, only asking that more respect be granted to the Tibia Mariner and their silly boat slams.

Elden Ring is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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