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Elden Ring players will have to fight against Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon, inside the Academy of Raya Lucaria, found in the region north of Limgrave called Liurnia. This academy is full of enemies that use ranged magic attacks, and getting through it all can be a hassle, especially for under-leveled players without the proper equipment. This Elden Ring guide will go over how to beat Rennala so that players can earn plenty of Runes, obtain new items, and proceed forward on the "main" path.

Updated January 11th, 2024 by Russ Boswell: Rennala can be a bit of a pain for players that stumble upon her while making their way through the Academy of Raya Lucaria in Elden Ring. Once players understand how to beat Rennala in Elden Ring, and are appropriately geared and leveled, it can be a lot easier to deal with the legendary threat. To better help players with how to beat Rennala in Elden Ring, the following guide has been updated to include a guide.

How to Beat Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon

Phase 1

Once Elden Ring players enter the room where the boss fight happens, there will be a ton of students crawling around on the ground. Don't worry about attacking all of them, though --just be sure to avoid their attacks, and players shouldn't let them gang up their character. In order to break the shield that surrounds Rennala, players need to find the students with a glowing yellow aura around them.

RELATED: Elden Ring: How to Unlock Raya Lucaria Academy Gate (Glintstone Key Location)

rennala boss fight

During this first phase of the fight with Rennala, try not to use any healing items. Saving the Flasks of Crimson Tears for the second phase is very important, as that's where Rennala will actually start attacking the player with her powerful magic spells.

Attack them, and a shattering sound can be heard. This will destroy Rennala's shield, but only after three of the students have been attacked. It's worth noting that the enemies don't have to be killed --they only need to be attacked once to diminish Rennala's protection.

Once her shield is down, she'll fall to the ground, giving players ample time to get a few good hits in. However, after about 5-10 seconds, Rennala will use a strong AOE blast, so make sure to back up once her hands start glowing yellow. Repeat this process until her health drops to zero. Now, the next (and final) phase will begin.

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Rennala Boss Fight - Phase 2

rennala boss fight phase 2 elden ring

The second phase in the Rennala boss fight is where the real fun happens. She'll gain all of her health back and will finally start to attack the player with her magic abilities. Most of these attacks are fairly simple to avoid, with dodge rolling being a great tactic here. Thanks to the invincibility frames of the dodge roll, players can roll right into the magic attacks as soon as they're about to come in contact with players.

If players are using a melee-focused weapon, try to get close to her and get in some good attacks before she retaliates. She's not that tough to take down, so as long as players keep avoiding her moves and take their time, she should fall soon enough. It's recommended that if players have a spirit to summon (which takes up FP), they should save it for this second phase and not use it in the academy room.

rennala boss fight phase 2 elden ring tips

A summon that works really well against Rennala are the Avionette Soldiers. These little imp-like creatures move very fast and can use their spears to deal plenty of damage while also distracting Rennala from players. They can also fly too, which helps them avoid Rennala's attacks. If players don't have access to this summon yet, they can try out other ones to see which work best against the boss. She's also susceptible to bleed, so any Elden Ring weapons with that will be useful for the fight.

Rewards for Defeating the Full Moon Queen

Players will be rewarded with a whopping 40K Runes, an item called Remembrance of the Full Moon Queen, and the Great rune of the Unborn. Players can finally Respec their Elden Ring character by speaking to Rennala after the fight by using Larval Tears.

Elden Ring is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Complete Guide To Elden Ring: Weapons, Tips, Tricks, Bosses, & Builds