The latest Dungeons and Dragons book, The Explorer's Guide to Wildemount is available now and offers a brand new setting for dungeon master's and player characters to explore. The fantasy setting is inspired by the popular Geek and Sundry show Critical Role and offers players all the lore and backstory they need to adventure in the same realm as Jester and the rest of the Mighty Nein.

Obviously players who are die-hard Critical Role fans are going to want to pick up the Dungeons and Dragons: Explorer's Guide to Wildemount to start planning their own adventures, but D&D fans who are a little on the fence can actually get a taste for free. In order to help out players who are stuck at home and trying to organize new online DnD groups, DnD Beyond is currently offering a free Wildemount adventure to take new characters from level 1-3 in the Biting North.

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Before D&D players or GMs get strated, they'll want to make sure they at least have a free DnD Beyond account. It helps of the DM is a paying subscriber, but it's definitely not required for this particular adventure hook. Gamers should be able to link a google or Twitch account to DnD Beyond to dive in and get started.


What is The Frozen Sick?

"Something is killing people in Palebank Village, and if the characters don’t stop it, they might be next. “Frozen Sick” is an adventure that takes characters from 1st to 3rd level and introduces them to the continent’s Biting North region—the bleak arctic realms of the Greying Wildlands and Eiselcross."

The Frozen Sick is an early level adventure that is currently being offered for free to get players hooked on the Wildemount setting. Any DnD user can gain full access to the adventure and use it to run a thrilling story that involves investigation, mysterious diseases, and a race against time to find a cure.

"To help kickstart new games, we have a brand new adventure available at no cost on D&D Beyond. Everyone can access it to play a game designed for level 1–3 characters!"

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Are there maps available for free too?

Yes! Currently, The Frozen Sick materials are also available for free on Roll20. For those unaware, Roll20 is a great resource for running online D&D sessions with friends. The free Frozen Sick Roll20 materials include all of the maps necessary for dungeon masters to run their PCs through the mysteries brewing in the Greying Wildlands.

I'm not a Critical Role fan. What is Wildemount?

Wildemount is a traditional fantasy setting full of Dwarves, Halflings, Humans, Goblins, and Elves - but other races do show up in some regions. The main hook of the universe is the outbreak of war at the center of the continent. Two of the area's largest faction have been dancing around all out war for years, but the conflict can no longer be avoided.

"Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount provides everything you need to play Dungeons & Dragons on the continent of Wildemount (set within the world of Exandria)—a land of war, betrayal, and swashbuckling adventure.

Comprised of four regions, Wildemount provides endless potential for adventure in a land of brewing conflict and incredible magic. Rising tensions boil over into all-out war between the politically dubious Dwendalian Empire and the light-worshiping wastefolk of Xhorhas, supplying a vibrant backdrop for any D&D campaign to explore."

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Do I need the Explorer's Guide to Wildemount to run The Frozen Sick?

No. This adventure is designed to work without any support from the Explorer's Guide to Wildemount, but obviously it is enhanced with the rest of the Critical Role content. The full book will offer DMs a lot more lore and history to explore and allow them to gain a deeper understanding of the surrounding regions and key characters.

Additionally, if players reach level three at the end of the adventure and wish to spec into one of the three new subclasses offered in the Explorer's Guide to Wildemount source material, then they will need to be able to reference the book to understand the details of those options.

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Do I need the Explorer's Guide to Wildemount for character creation?

No, but it does offer some interesting options if you have it. One of the big selling points of the Explorer's Guide to Wildemount is the Hero Chronicle. This chapter is dedicated to helping players develop characters who are as deep and fully realized as any of the Critical Role cast members. The Hero Chronicle character creation method helps players determine many details about their character including their family history, their rivals, their allies, their favorite foods, their flaws, and a series of prophecies that they will attempt to bring to fruition throughout the campaign.

The Hero Chronicle is totally optional and players can obviously just build characters based on the original method presented in the D&D Player's Handbook.

Once players finish the short, three level adventure, they will be in a perfect spot to carry on and explore other adventure hooks presented in the Biting North, venture south to see the rest of Wildemount, or leave Exandria altogether and return to their regular D&D settings. Keep in mind that the Theros book is right around the corner, which is going to present players with yet another Magic: The Gathering plane of existence to dive into.

Be sure to check back in the near future for more Dungeons and Dragons news, updates, and strategy guides. Until then, roll well, adventurers!

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