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Dragon's Dogma gives players a lot of freedom with regard to which quests they take on and where they decide to explore. This freedom, however, comes to a halt when players commit crimes within the city of Gran Soren. Striking NPCs in Dragon's Dogma or trespassing in the wrong areas can get a player thrown into the dungeons underneath the city.

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While this may sound harsh, there are plenty of options for those players that are looking to find their way out of prison. Figuring out which way is best, however, can be a bit of a challenge. For those Dragon's Dogma players looking to get out of jail, this guide is here to help.

What is Considered a Crime in Gran Soren?

dragons dogma thrown in jail

The way that a player interacts with their world in Dragon's Dogma can have serious consequences. Within the walls of Gran Soren, players are forbidden from attacking citizens and this applies to more than just open conflict. For example, a player cannot pick up an NPC and then throw them to cause them or others harm.

Trespassing is also a punishable offense in Dragon's Dogma. If a player is found in the Duke's Demesne, the castle within the city, after nightfall they will be arrested. Oddly enough, however, there are a long list of minor infractions that do not seem to warrant arrest such as stealing, threatening citizens, and drawing weapons. It hasn't been confirmed if this will carry over to the upcoming sequel to Dragon's Dogma.

How to Escape from Jail?

ser jackob dragons dogma

Dragon's Dogma is similar to Skyrim in that it offers players a handful of ways to get themselves out of prison. Unfortunately,​​ these each come at a cost of either gold, resources, or time.

  • Bribery: Approaching the jail cell's door will prompt the guard, a man named Ser Jakob, to open dialogue with the player. Through this option, players can purchase their freedom for 5,000 gold and will appear at the castle gates with their pawns.
  • Skeleton Key: For those players who don't have the money for straight-up bribery, they can use a Skeleton Key to make their way out of jail. A Skeleton Key opens cell doors, and it must be in either a pawn's inventory or the character's before a player is arrested. Once a player is put within their cell, they can just open their door and walk out. An issue will arise if players haven't completed the Come to Court mission yet. They will be unable to open the main door and be forced to bribe their way out or use another Skeleton Key to open the cell that leads out of the prison. Skeleton keys can be purchased from The Black Cat store in the Venery district of Gran Soren, found in chests, and created by combining a shackle and a hammer, hunk of ore, scrap iron, or an unremarkable ore.
  • Use Patience: There is an interesting day and night cycle that impacts NPCs and plants in Dragon's Dogma. The sentence players receive will be for one day and night cycle. This is the rough equivalent of 48 minutes in real-time and once this sentence is up, the door will open and players will be free to leave.

Can you Avoid Jail Time?

using a ferrystone dragons dogma

Players that are fast enough may just be able to avoid being caught by the city guard and being sent to jail. The moment a player realizes that the city guard is on their way, they can attempt to head straight to the nearest gate. This method is a bit less reliable than the more expensive option for escaping a prison sentence, however.

That other method is to use a Ferrystone and teleport. These stones have the ability to transport a player and their party across the world of Dragon's Dogma and will confuse the guards enough for them to stop their search. This is even true if players teleport back to Gran Soren. Ferrystones can be purchased from vendors such as Mountebank at The Black Cat.

Dragon's Dogma is available now for PC, PS3, PS4, Switch, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

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