Dragon Age: Inquisition was the latest title to be added to the Dragon Age franchise and is the biggest and best game by far. Fans are super excited that Dragon Age 4 is currently in development, as the last game left them desperate for more of the intriguing storyline and immersive gameplay.

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As well as offering up a vast digital world for players to explore, the game is home to the most diverse range of monsters and creatures that the series has given fans so far. Some of these enemies are now synonymous with the Dragon Age series, while some look like they shouldn't have left the drawing board. Check out the best and worst of the monster designs from Dragon Age: Inquisition.

10 BEST: Fear Demon

Fear Demons are similar in nature to Terror Demons, with them both inflicting fear into their victims, but the Fear Demons are much higher up the food chain. Rather fittingly, these creatures are rather fearsome to behold and have strange spider-like legs that come out of their back, while their head looks like a strange parasite with a creepy mouth.

As you progress through the game and the difficulty of the Fade rifts your encounter increases, these creepy guys will become more and more common.

9 WORST: Shade

There are a couple of forms of Shade monsters in Dragon Age, with the Greater Shades having armor more commonly associated with generals, rather than the standard armor worn by the normal Shades. There are two explanations for these creatures, either they are the true forms of demons outside of the Fade or they are deceased mortal souls who have left the Fade.

The problem with this creature is that it doesn't seem all too different from the Rage Demons, who although are far more molten-like, seem to have a similar kind of movement and attacks.

8 BEST: Pride Demon

The Pride Demon enemy has gone on to become one of Dragon Age's most recognizable monsters and has appeared in all of the games so far. It is also the first mini-challenge boss that players find themselves battling when they begin their journey in Inquisition.

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They are one of the most powerful types of demons within the game and are the corrupted forms of wisdom and faith spirits. There is actually a sidequest where players can see a spirit get twisted into one of these brutes.

7 WORST: Deepstalker

Deepstalkers have appeared in all of the Dragon Age games, but for some reason, they have shrunk over time and they are decidedly smaller in Inquisition than players were previously used to. These annoying little pests are little more than environmental creatures, as they are so easy to kill, but they are aggressive and will attack you.

They look kind of like little raptors and will often attack in groups, but they have strange little heads and mouths that are absolutely horrifying. Annoyingly, you have to hunt some of these guys down for crafting quests.

6 BEST: Envy Demon

The Envy Demon looks like it could have been cast in Pan's Labyrinth and is sure to give you some nightmares after seeing its horrifying design, but this is exactly what makes it a great monster. This is one of the rarer demons seen within the game, but it's certainly one of the least forgettable.

These disgusting guys are consumed by the need to become their chosen mortals, not just to emulate them, and they are at their weakest when moving between hosts.

5 WORST: Wraith

Wraiths are a common enemy throughout Dragon Age: Inquisition and are ghostly figures that float around and have a smokey quality to them, almost like will o' the-wisps. They are believed to be the remnants of spirits or demons and are considered to be one of the weaker monsters.

They are known to be scavengers in the Fade, as they are not strong enough to do anything, really; they cannot shape the Fade or deceive dreamers with creations like other Fade creatures can.

4 BEST: Terror Demon

There are both lesser and greater versions of the Terror Demon enemy, with the greater versions having branch-like horns protruding from their heads and faces. These guys are always found near Fade rifts and live up to their names as they are quite ghastly creatures.

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As well as looking truly horrifying, they also move rather creepily too, walking kind of hunched over as they stalk down your characters. They also have the ability to disappear in and out of the fade at will, meaning that they can disappear and reappear from thin air to attack.

3 WORST: Spider

There are a couple of variations of spiders within Inquisition, such as the Giant Spider and the Poison Spider. Both types look rather generic and unassuming, which isn't inaccurate for a spider, but given that Inquisition introduced a variety of rather creepy creatures, it feels like the spiders could have had their own scary factor ramped up.

For instance, thinner bodies with longer, needle-like legs would have looked far scarier than this plump little guy. Additionally, there are two spider-like creatures that put these guys to shame, with both the Aspect of the Nightmare boss and the Fear Demon enemy having spider qualities.

2 BEST: High Dragons

There are ten High Dragon enemies in Dragon Age: Inquisition, with an eleventh being added in the Jaws of Hakkon DLC. All of these dragons have been lovingly created with their own unique appearances that often reflect the environment they call home, as well as their special elemental affinity.

These are undoubtedly the best-designed creatures in the game, and deservedly so considering the games are named after their kind. They are also some of the most difficult monsters to defeat.

1 WORST: Librarian

The Librarian is an enemy that features in the Trespasser DLC for Inquisition. The development team reused the models for the Fear Demon enemy but gave them a translucent quality that makes them appear ghostly. It seems kind of lazy to reuse models of other enemies, despite that the game explains that these creatures were once benign spirits who were corrupted by Fear Demons.

Regardless of this back story, they could have looked different and there is so much potential for a librarian-style ghost that it's a shame they reused the appearance of another enemy.

NEXT: 10 Games To Play If You Love Dragon Age