Dragon Age is one of BioWare's most celebrate franchises, so it makes sense that the company is focusing on it and Mass Effect after the failed launch of Anthem. Many fans are hopeful for the future of both franchises, especially after Mass Effect: Legendary Edition restored some of BioWare's lost goodwill. Still, if there's one thing that can be said of Dragon Age, the gameplay has wildly changed from game to game.

Indeed, cutting away the setting and story content, it's hard to imagine Dragon Age 2 as a sequel to Dragon Age: Origins. That's not to say anything against the sequel, as it is a great game in its own right (if flawed), but Inquisition took the middle ground and is a fine amalgamation of the two in terms of gameplay. Story-wise, minus a few retcons of sorts, the franchise is rather consistent, but it's hard to deny some elements are hit or miss as a whole. For example, one of the most iconic elements of the first game returns in the second but is nowhere to be found in Inquisition: Blood Dragon Armor.

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Why is There No Blood Dragon Armor in Dragon Age Inquisition

blood dragon age armor mass effect

When booting up Dragon Age: Origins, fans will be greeted with a blood dragon that has been, more or less, the definitive image of the franchise. In-game, this manifested in the Blood Dragon Armor set players could obtain for their Grey Warden or any party member. It couldn't be obtained through normal in-game means, though, as it only came with the Blood Dragon Armor DLC, something that came with new copies of Origins, the Collector's Edition, or the Ultimate Edition. To use it in Dragon Age 2, someone would have needed to have it in Origins or in Mass Effect 2; indeed, the Blood Dragon armor was so iconic that it crossed over into the Mass Effect universe.

However, there is no way to get a suit of Blood Dragon armor in Dragon Age: Inquisition, something that has seemingly never been addressed by EA or BioWare. It's hard to imagine that the threequel dropped something so iconic to the franchise, especially for no reason. It could be because the suit was less effective in Dragon Age 2, but that's hardly reason to drop it. After all, It's more than a suit of armor, but something that enraptured the spirit of the original game. That blood dragon is still special in many ways, to so many fans, years after the fact. It may be too late for Inquisition, but it's not for Dreadwolf.

Dragon Age Dreadwolf Needs to Bring Back Blood Dragon Armor


There's little reason fans couldn't stumble across a set of Blood Dragon armor somewhere in Tevinter, Dragon Age Dreadwolf's setting. If anything, because Tevinter at one point worshipped dragons, it would only make more sense for it to be there than somewhere in Orlais or Ferelden. BioWare may package it as a pre-order bonus or as something included in a collector's edition, and that would be perfectly fine too, but including it in the game for everyone would be the best move. However it's done, though, Dragon Age: Dreadwolf needs Blood Dragon Armor, plain and simple.

Dragon Age: Dreadwolf is in development.

MORE: What We Hope to See in the Next Dragon Age Dreadwolf Trailer