Streaming on Twitch is becoming more and more popular, with streamer Dr. Disrespect at the forefront of the popular service. After all, he won the Trending Gamer Award last year, and many were saddened when he decided to take a personal hiatus shortly after. His returning to streaming even crashed Twitch’s servers. But popularity isn’t always as great as it seems, as it appears someone attempted to swat Dr. Disrespect.

For those unaware, “swatting” is a prank call to emergency services in order to have a large number of armed police officers come to a specific address. The results of internet pranks like this have been fatal, such as the swatting incident in Wichita, Kansas that resulted in a man’s death. The prankster-turned-perpetrator in the scenario was later charged with involuntary manslaughter for his actions.

During a streaming session for Fortnite on Twitch, Dr. Disrespect went AFK for about 15 minutes. At this time, the phrases “sheriff’s department” and “check the closet!” can be heard, which indicates that someone indeed tried to call the cops on him. Moments later, the camera was turned down, and Dr. Disrespect took his stream offline. When he returned sometime later, he cited “internet problems” as the reason for the interruption. Check out the clips below:



While some streamers air this event, invoke unnecessary drama, or genuinely react in a terrified manner, Dr. Disrespect respectfully handled the situation like a pro. By doing so, Dr. Disrespect didn’t give his would-be prankster the benefit of seeing him distraught over the situation and kept everything off camera. At the moment, it remains unknown who tried to swat the popular streamer, but Dr. Disrespect seems relatively unfazed by the incident, which could hopefully discourage further swatting attempts against him.

At the very least, Dr. Disrespect walked away from this situation unscathed and returned to his Fortnite stream. This incident also follows a recent mass shooting threat directed at the EVO Championship Series 2018 earlier this week. With the ongoing debate concerning video game violence and mass shootings, these incidents only harm the gaming community.