As far as first-person shooters go these days, few are as fast as Doom Eternal. The way id Software’s latest is designed naturally encourages players to keep moving and tear through the legions of Hell at a breakneck pace only a beefed-up space marine propelled by a heavy metal soundtrack is capable of maintaining. It’s almost redundant for the game to let players fast travel, but the ability is there for them to use if they want.

Some might find it a little weird to see the mechanic, a staple of open-world games and other larger-scale titles, show up in a more conventionally linear title like Doom Eternal, but that’s not even the most unusual part. That happens to be the way the game limits when and how players can use fast travel.

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How To Unlock Fast Travel

doom eternal fast travel message

Most fast travel systems make it so players can immediately warp to a fast travel point at any time once they discover it, but that’s not how Doom Eternal’s works. Since the game is so linear (and also pretty short compared to other shooters), there’s not much backtracking that players have to deal with when normally playing through its missions, and as such, players won’t actually have much use for fast travel as they go through at first.

As for how the feature is unlocked, all players have to do is play through each mission until they reach a certain point near the mission’s end. At this point, a message will show up on screen saying that fast travel has been unlocked for that area. The important thing to know, however, is that from here fast travel is only available until players complete the mission. After that, if they replay it, they won’t be able to fast travel until they reach the point where it’s unlocked again.

How To Use Fast Travel

doom eternal map screen

Luckily, actually using fast travel in Doom Eternal is simpler than unlocking it. Once it’s available, players can open up the map to find a new fast travel button prompt available (F on PC, Square on PS4, and X on Xbox One). Pressing this brings up a list of the mission’s different areas, each of which leads to a list of travel points within each area. Select any one of these, and the player is immediately teleported to that point. Simple as that.

To reiterate, this wouldn’t really be that useful when charging through each mission’s chief objective of slaying demons at full speed, but it should come in handy for gathering all of the collectibles and secrets hidden in Doom Eternal. Once all of the demons are out of the way, this should let players explore each area with relative ease, and with minimal backtracking at that.

Doom Eternal is available for PC, PS4, and Xbox One. A Switch version is set to come out at a later date.

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