Survival games are irresistible to many gamers. The game Don't Starve is introduced a sequel called Don't Starve Together, which is multiplayer version that leaves players out in the wilderness with companions. Players can choose to play with friends or strangers from various locations.

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They must work together to survive through brutal conditions and other dangers. Don't Starve Together offers many new features that players are eager to dive into. However, there are some features that players find shocking once they start playing. Below are some of the nuances that players wish they had a heads up on before playing.

10 Ghosts

It's a given that characters are going to die in this game. Sorry. However, ghosts help players out with this unfortunate situation. This new feature allows dead characters to respawn into ghosts at a less effective level of play. Not only are players able to continue in the game, but they can haunt things. They can haunt buildings and items and even light things on fire. Players can rejuvenate into their original characters with certain gadgets.

9 Same Maps

There are map levels in Don't Starve that are also in Don't Starve Together. However, this new version combines a couple of these levels into the same map. Caves are levels that are beneath the ground. They contain drawings, critters, and unique grounds. Ruins take inspiration from leftover buildings and contain various critters vegetation and random items. Players can activate both of these map levels by using the creation menu's server. Regardless, they are now on the same map in Don't Starve Together.

8 Details

There are many random new details in Don't Starve Together that players are not ready for. For example, items thermal stones are durable and display cracks. These cracks indicate that the stones are cold or hot. On the flip side, the protective item armor is not very durable anymore. Unlike Don't Starve, damage splits and absorbs into two separate armors. Moreover, the item pan flute can now cause other characters besides the player to remain unconscious.

7 Maxwell Is Less Powerful

Players might assume that since there are more users in Don't Starve Together, all of the features are more difficult. However, they are in luck because the antagonist Maxwell is much less powerful in this version. Seems almost too good to be true, but either way, he's getting what he deserves. Maxwell possesses fewer items now and he does not have as much sanity boost. This feature determines how sane the characters are. Not that he had much sanity, to begin with. He is still quite powerful but at least players catch somewhat of a break.

6 Nightmares

One of Don't Starve Together's major changes is the sleeping situation for characters. It's not pretty. In Don't Starve, characters go to sleep and wake up the next morning feeling refreshed, sane, and healthy. However, there is now a night monster in Don't Starve Together.

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Luckily, players who play through a server have a feature where the characters cannot move at night. This feature allows them to escape the night monster if it comes near. Also, the quality of sleep determines how the characters fall asleep in the first place. Meaning, whatever item they use determines if they wake up in the middle of the night or not.

5 Food

Food is obviously very important when it comes to survival. There is a fun new feature about food in Don't Starve Together that players should be aware of. Characters can have favorite foods now! Eating favorite foods gives players 15 more useful items This new feature is very beneficial because it adds up. It's also an entertaining and easy goal when playing. There has to be something simple about this game right?

4 Fog Of War

Good thing Don't Starve Together is multiplayer because this new feature requires a companion. Players can use a map to see where they are in comparison to nearby islands. However, the map now has a fog of war over it sometimes. This blocks players' visions so they cannot see where they're going or if changes occur in locations on the map. A loophole through this tough new feature is that players can share their whereabouts with other players. They can track each other and try to determine features on the map that way. It's all about working together in this game.

3 Communicating

What would a multiplayer game be if players could not communicate with each other? Don't Starve Together allows players to communicate through chatting modes. They can both speak and whisper in the game. Players from all over the globe can use these features which helps with comradery throughout the game. Players aboveground can even chat with others who are below ground. This is a very beneficial feature because it's great for teamwork.

2 Memories

A new realistic feature in Don't Starve Together is that characters have memories of other characters. For example, players can attack other players or give them items. By doing this, other characters can then talk to them about these actions.

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Other characters might say that your eyes look firey after attacking someone. They might also allude to items that the players give out. This new feature gives the characters more personality and it's entertaining to interact throughout the game.

1 Items

Different items are essential for almost all games, especially survival games. A very beneficial new item in Don't Starve Together are curios. These items are collectibles and they allow players to see how much inventory they collect. Players use them to alter characters' appearances, loading sections, and even communication messages. Players can choose from a variety of curios such as clothing, expressions, skins, and more. This new feature allows players to express themselves through their customizable characters. Pretty cool, eh?

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