Diablo Immortal has been trending on social media ever since it was first released at the beginning of the month, with Blizzard even releasing it early on iOS and Android to further cater to the mobile crowd. However, the reason why Diablo Immortal is being talked about so much is not quite positive, considering that the game is being criticized for the predatory monetization system that made countries like Belgium and the Netherlands ban it from the get-go. In fact, many players ended up doing the math behind the likelihood and the amount of time needed to acquire endgame gear, and it's not great.

It can take several years to fully gear up a single character in Diablo Immortal, and it can take somewhere in the ballpark of over a hundred thousand dollars to do the same thing when spending real money on microtransactions. The whole ordeal proved to be much more deeply felt by players than one would imagine, to the point that the Diablo community even wanted Diablo Immortal banned from Reddit domains linked to the original series.

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Popular Twitch streamer Quin69 started playing Diablo Immortal immediately, while also spending money on the game to see how far it would push the character's performance and witness first-hand the endgame monetization system. Today, after spending a total of $25,165.57 in New Zealand Dollars, which roughly translates to $15,870.66 USD, Quin69 got his very first 5/5-star Legendary gem in Diablo Immortal. Five-star gems are supposed to be the ultimate grind in Diablo Immortal, but if it took Quin over $25k to get a single one, the probability of anyone getting many of them is incredibly unlikely.

After Quin finally got the item, however, he ended up deleting his character and then uninstalling Diablo Immortal from his PC altogether as a protest against the game's monetization, which he continued over on Twitch by telling fellow players to do the same. Quin's journey in Diablo Immortal was also intentionally thought-provoking to see what being addicted to the game could do to people, especially on the economic side of things.

Quin rapidly moved away from Diablo Immortal and started streaming a blind playthrough of The Quarry, which had its multiplayer component delayed due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Still, many viewers praised Quin for uninstalling Diablo Immortal and showing its biggest flaws publicly, despite Blizzard claiming that the odds in the game are overall fair for both free-to-play gamers and those who spend money on it.

Diablo Immortal is available now on Mobile and PC.

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