The Devil May Cry series is always one that has placed style and visuals over its story. That's not to say that the story is bad or that it might as well be irrelevant– far from it– it's just that the games really care about their cool set pieces.

Related: Devil May Cry 5: 10 Tips To Master Nero

Whether it is Dante randomly breaking out into a Michael Jackson inspired dance number complete with full stage lighting and music after getting a hat or breaking out into a guitar solo after defeating an ancient demon, the series has a ton of fun moments. The problem is that going for cool moments over consistency creates, well, a few inconsistencies.

10 Vergil's "Alive" In DMC 5

Vergil has a tough time in Devil May Cry. One of his earliest memories was of him witnessing the death of both of his parents and consequently becoming separated from his only remaining family in Dante. He then goes on to get trapped in the underworld thinking he can kill Mundus but comes up short. He was then turned into a monster by him that is later killed by Dante. It's all tragic, but how the heck is he alive for Devil May Cry V?

9 What Happened To Nero's Devil Bringer?

When Nero was introduced as a new playable character in Devil May Cry 4, his Devil Bringer served as the main means of differentiating him from Dante– allowing Nero to grab enemies and vault long distances from afar. This arm also acted as a way for Nero to store the Yamato. In one of the early flashbacks in Devil May Cry 5, we see that Vergil disarms Nero of the Devil Bringer and it transforms into the Yamato– but now Nero's arm is just gone?

8 What Happened To Dante's Weapons From DMC 3?

Part of what makes both Devil May Cry and Dante so cool is the large arsenal of weapons that he collects throughout his demon-hunting adventures.

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The strange thing is that aside from a few notable exceptions– mainly just the Sparda sword– Dante doesn't keep the weapons from each of the games. It's understandable that he doesn't carry around every single one, but why does he just leave so many of his old weapons hanging up in his shop?

7 Demon Electric Guitar

One of those more notable weapons that Dante collected throughout the years was the guitar he gained after defeating the Lightning Witch Nevan. A lot of the weapons that Dante collects throughout the series are actually the souls of demons that he's defeated in combat. This is fine and leads to some interesting weapons, each with their own fighting style. The thing is that Nevan is an ancient demon who turned into a modern guitar after being asleep for ages.

6 Are Dante And Vergil Good At The End Of DMC 5?

Since birth, the only memories that Dante and Vergil have of each other are about them fighting. This is normal for most brothers but it is taken to a whole new level when those brothers are half-demon sons of an ancient demon general who gives them both magical demon swords to fight each other with.

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Neither brother actually hates one another, but their relationship is complex. The two are seemingly chummy come the end of Devil May Cry V, but their rival is still fresh, undetermined, and they haven't exactly talked over Vergil's recent bout of villainy.

5 No One Talks About Dante Being Nero's Uncle

Fans immediately knew Nero had some kind of connection to Dante when he was first revealed in Devil May Cry 4's initial gameplay trailers. It's easy to assume Nero is Dante's son, but there were several hints in-game to Vergil being Nero's father. It was later confirmed in an interview after the game's release. The weird thing is that Dante never acknowledges Nero as his nephew.

4 J.D. Morrison's Race Change

Morrison actually made his debut to the series back in the Devil May Cry anime that was released. In the anime, Morrison was a middle-aged white man. Come Devil May Cry V, Morrison is now an older black man. Considering Devil May Cry V goes out of its way to assert the anime as canon, this naturally raises some questions.

3 What Even Is V?

This is on the surface a fairly easy question to answer: V is the the humanity that Vergil expelled out of him. The thing is that V seemingly has his own fully formed personality, appearance, philosophy, and fighting style that is separate from Vergil's. V also has access to versions of demon bosses from the first Devil May Cry game with no real explanation.

2 Nero Beats Urizen Timeline

Devil May Cry 5 starts off with a pretty good opening. The city is in chaos with its inhabitants being killed left right and center. The military can't do anything about it. This seems to be even too much for Dante, Trish, and Lady to hand. Nero, new mechanical arm and all, comes into save the day but then comes up short. This loss is scripted and is part of the story of the game but it is actually possible to defeat Urizen with Nero. The problem is that this effectively kills Vergil for good and also V.

1 Vergil Has A Sin Devil Trigger

The Sin Devil Trigger is something that Dante had in the less than stellar Devil May Cry 2, but it got a real big boost in Devil May Cry 5. The Sin Devil Trigger is a power up on the already powerful devil trigger and it made sense that Dante had to combine his own blood and two of his swords together to access this form. The weird thing is that the newly reformed Vergil has one as well for no reason other than to match Dante.

Next: The 10 Most Overpowered Weapons In The Devil May Cry Series, Ranked