Because Destiny 2 is a looter shooter, the game has amassed an incredible amount of different weapons over the four years since its release, which means that some Legendary ones can be rarer than Exotics. As it stands, Destiny 2's world loot pool has been inflated a lot since the last time weapons were sunset - i.e., capped at a given Power Level and thus becoming effectively unusable because players won't deal enough damage to high-end enemies. Thus, it can be quite difficult for players to actually get their hands on specific weapons when there are no efficient methods for farming them, like Umbral Engrams.

Xur sells weapons and armor in Destiny 2 as part of his weekly inventory, including many rare items. For example, last week Xur sold The Scholar - a Trials of Osiris weapon that not many players have, and a few weeks back he even sold a Rangefinder/Timed Payload True Prophecy, much to the joy of hand cannon enthusiasts.

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This week, Xur is selling a very rare heavy grenade launcher called Interference 6, which actually comes from the New Monarchy loot pool and is only available as a random drop. As such, it's quite difficult for Destiny 2 players to get the roll they want on a weapon that only drops randomly, and it can potentially take months or even years depending on several factors. Still, this week Xur is selling a fantastic roll for Interference 6, which comes with a Velocity Masterwork, Spike Grenades, Field Prep, and Full Court, making it a god-roll.

Destiny 2 Xur

More Velocity on grenade launchers means that projectiles reach their target destination faster, and this combines perfectly with Full Court, which instead increases the damage dealt by the projectile the further it travels. Field Prep is a Destiny 2 perk that's often overlooked, but it provides additional ammo in the magazine and it increases reload, stow, and ready speed when crouching. Lastly, Spike Grenades is especially worthwhile to have on hard-hitting grenade launchers because it increases the damage dealt on direct hits.

Perks are one of the most defining elements of any weapon in the game, and the recently added Eager Edge allows Destiny 2 players to sword skate with Half-Truths or The Other Half, Legendary swords from the 30th Anniversary Pack. Similarly, Interference 6 might not be the most popular weapon in the game due to heavy grenade launchers often being compared to Anarchy, but having a god-roll version of it changes things.

Destiny 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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