Because Destiny 2 is a looter shooter where drops do matter a lot, it's only natural that obtaining great guns and god rolls is a big part of the experience. This also applies to armor pieces, which players can acquire from numerous different sources, and each comes with a peculiar roll on its stat distribution, making very good pieces a rare occurrence. Guns work in a similar way, with perk pools of various sizes. This makes the hunt for the best rolls in Destiny 2 exciting, but also quite tiresome when the loot pool is so large and the chances of getting the desired item are so small.

This problem is not exclusive to the world loot pool in Destiny 2, nor is it something that happens mainly with other sources of loot, like Umbral Engrams, Trials Engrams, and Pinnacle Gear. Rather, this issue is often widespread, and it can affect the players' ability to get exclusive Exotic weapons from Raids as well. Raids are meant to be Destiny 2's peak alongside Grandmaster Nightfall Strikes for PvE and Trials of Osiris for PvP, and yet, the loot can be quite elusive.

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Destiny 2's Raids are not all the same, and some come with an exclusive Raid weapon that's tied to a questline rather than a random drop, like Divinity from Garden of Salvation. As such, a Reddit user by the name of Ashryman shared a post stating that the next Raid - namely, the one coming with The Witch Queen - should feature an Exotic questline to get the corresponding weapon. This likely stems from the fact that several players are upset about Vex Mythoclast's drop rate, considering Vault of Glass has been out for months now, and there is no form of bad luck protection for the gun.

However, other players pointed out that there could be a hybrid system instead of an Exotic quest, which could make it hard to find a group for the Raid after most players get their weapon. Thus, Destiny 2's Spoils of Conquest could be repurposed so that players can grab Exotics after several looted clears, or get it after a flawless run of the Raid.

Getting Exotic weapons randomly can be good, but it's also frustrating if that doesn't happen after many tries. The same holds true for Hawkmoon and Dead Man's Tale, which come with random rolls and are already hard to obtain now. So, Destiny 2 players suggested Xur sells Presage and Harbinger loot when the missions are vaulted, and something similar could be done with Raid Exotics as well.

Destiny 2 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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