Since it's return last year as the end game PvP mode, Trials of Osiris has experienced plenty of controversy and growing pains. While fairly popular in the first Destiny, Trials never seemed to really catch its footing within Destiny 2. Initially revealed under the rebranded name Trials of the Nine, the weekend PvP mode would eventually go on hiatus with Bungie admitting the mode just didn't work as it had hoped.

After a lengthy hiatus, Trials of Osiris returned to Destiny 2 in March 2020 with new bounties and weapons for players to chase, as well as the sought after trip to the Lighthouse. While the mode's return proved popular for a while, issues continued to creep in due to bugs, lack of compelling rewards initially, and the rise of cheating on the PC version of Destiny 2. The population continued to drop as well, leaving players wanting a quick way to earn rewards instead of playing legitimately.

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One of those ways to beat the system was by win trading, a scheme that essentially lets players reach the Lighthouse for pinnacle rewards with little to no effort. Prior to a match through an app like Discord, six Destiny 2 players would come to an agreement and matchmake together, alternating the team that gets the wins by backing out and leaving the one fireteam in an empty lobby for an easy win. The issue became of prevelant that Bungie had to disable Trials of Osiris multiple times to investigate reports.

Thankfully, Bungie completely overhauled Trials of Osiris in Season 15 in an attempt to not only make it more appealing for all Destiny 2 players, but make it more rewarding as well. As a side effect of all these changes, many of which include changes to how players access and matchmake, has resulted in win trading to be completely eliminated. The Trials Report Twitter account, a group which reports on data for Destiny 2, revealed that all 4,000 Guardians who visited the lighthouse during the first day of Trials of Osiris reached it by getting kills. No one reached it with 0 kills as was common prior to Season of the Lost.

While players seemed to praise Bungie for the Trials of Osiris changes made, moving away from tokens and adopting a reputation system instead, the relaunch weekend hasn't been as smooth as players would have liked. Telesto, a fusion rifle that has had an extensive history of causing problems in Destiny 2 was once again disabled due to a new glitch when paired with the Thermoclastic Blooming seasonal mod. Essentially the glitch allows the player to create tons of Orbs of Power very quickly, giving players a super ability in every round.

Destiny 2 is now available on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Destiny 2: Osiris Fans Should Prepare for The Worst After Season of the Lost