On the quest to get the Deathbringer exotic rocket launcher in Destiny 2: Shadowkeep, players will need to complete several steps. One of those steps involves collecting three different “bones” from three different sources. Two are made obvious by the quest description, but one, which sends players after a Wandering Bone Collector, is not clear.

To find the Wandering Bone Collector, Destiny 2 players will need to head to the Anchor of Light section of the Moon. Once they spawn in there will be one of two scenarios, either the Bone Collector is already wandering around or it has yet to spawn.

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Wait around for a minute or two and if the kill feed does not mention the Bone Collector, then chances are it is already in the Anchor of Light zone. The Bone Collector is a fairly innocuous-looking Hive Acolyte, but with three yellow bars of health.

All Destiny 2 players need to do is kill the Bone Collector and they will claim its “marrow” for the Deathbringer exotic quest. It’s a fairly simple step along the quest, but it can be confusing for players who don’t know where the Wandering Bone Collector appears. Luckily, the Destiny 2 community solves any mystery in a matter of minutes and now everyone knows where to go.

destiny 2 shadowkeep deathbringer rocket launcher

The other two bone marrow pieces that players need for Deathbringer are unlocked by completing a Public Event in the Hellmouth region of the Moon, and in the K1 Revelation Lost Sector. The lost sector is located in the Sorrow’s Harbor section, which is the northernmost area. Players will also find a lot of Nightmares and the path to the Divinity exotic quest in the Sorrow’s Harbor area, so it’s worth poking around.

Deathbringer is well worth the effort as the exotic rocket launcher is akin to a void Gjallarhorn. It fires a rocket that explodes into a bunch of void trackers, which will descend and explode upon a single or numerous targets. Players that have been going through the new Shadowkeep content likely have seen the Deathbringer’s explosion before and thought it was part of a Nova Bomb.

Destiny 2: Shadowkeep is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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