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Strand is the newest subclass in the Destiny 2 universe, introduced with the Lightfall expansion. Strand, despite its color, is not a poison subclass, but rather one that deals with controlling the threads binding the universe together. Strand is characterized by high mobility and high actions per second gameplay.

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Warlocks have a particular role in Strand. The Broodweaver, as the name implies, is the master of Threadlings, which are small green creatures that can be summoned to deal damage to enemies. They are somewhat similar in concept to Arc Soul and Void Soul, but also drastically different. Here's a breakdown of Strand Warlock in Destiny 2, and a few recommendations on how to build a strong Broodweaver.

Strand Abilities, Aspects & Fragments

It will come as no surprise that Strand (and likely any future subclasses) works like any other 3.0 subclass and Stasis. While Strand comes with a ton of new content to Warlocks, class abilities, and jumps are untouched, which is why they haven't been addressed in this guide. This may change in the future as Strand gets expanded.

Strand Melees

Destiny 2 Arcane Needle Strand Melee For Warlocks

Arcane Needle is the Warlock Strand melee and the only available option. Arcane Needle has three charges, which can be cast quickly to create a visually impressive combination or to hit multiple targets in a row. Targets hit by Arcane Needle become Unraveled, meaning they create more Strand projectiles that hit other targets. Unraveled enemies will drop a Tangle (a ball of Strand that can be shot or grabbed, or grappled to) when they are killed.

Strand Grenades

Destiny 2 Strand Grapple

Strand comes with three grenade options.

  • Grapple: Allows players to grapple and move around fluidly through the air. Players can grapple into nothing, or to moving targets and Tangles. Grappling toward enemies and performing a melee damages enemies and Unravels them. Grappling to Tangles in particular instantly refunds a player's grenade energy.
  • Shackle Grenade: Throws a shackle of Strand that suspends enemies caught in it, and creates additional suspending projectiles. Enemies who are suspended and defeated will spawn a Tangle. This grenade is by definition strong against Unstoppable champions.
  • Threadling Grenade: A grenade that splits into Threadlings when cast out.

Strand Aspects

Destiny 2 Mindspun Invocation Strand Warlock Aspect

Strand Warlocks have access to a maximum of two Strand aspects for now.

  • Weaver's Call: When using Rift, players will spawn three Threadlings that attack enemies nearby. Any perched Threadlings will be released on enemies as well.
  • Mindspun Invocation: Grants additional features to Strand grenades when equipped. Meleeing at the end of a Grapple creates Threadlings. While Shackle Grenade is equipped, players can consume their grenade to gain a buff called Weaver's Trance, during which any final blows will create explosions that suspend enemies. While Threadling Grenade is equipped, players can consume their grenade to summon five Threadlings, which will perch on the player.

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Strand Fragments

Destiny 2 Thread of Warding Strand Fragment

Bungie has made all Strand fragments available for purchase following the first Lightfall TWAB. Players will need to collect Strand meditation to afford them all, as each Strand fragment costs 200 in currency. For Strand Warlocks, here's which fragments should be a top priority (note that this does not include every Strand fragment available, only those recommended for Warlocks):

  • Thread of Warding: Picking up Orbs of Power grants players Woven Mail, a Strand overshield that protects against non-precision damage.
  • Thread of Propagation: Powered melee final blows grant players Unraveling Rounds. Since Warlocks have three melee charges, this is exceptionally good.
  • Thread of Evolution: Threadlings gain a damage buff and can travel further. Considering this is the main focus of the Broodweaver, it's a must-have.
  • Thread of Generation: Dealing damage generates grenade energy. Excellent choice for Warlocks, who are known as the grenadiers of the game.

Other fragments worthy of note but which might be a bit more niche or limiting in terms of gameplay:

  • Thread of Mind: Suspended targets that are defeated grant players class ability energy. Class ability is generally not an issue to Warlocks, but can come in handy with Threadling builds.
  • Thread of Rebirth: Final blows with Strand weapons have a chance of spawning a Threadling. It's still unclear, but this could potentially stack with the new Hatchling perk of some Strand weapons, and pairs well with Threadling builds. The downside is the Strand weapon requirement.
  • Thread of Continuity: Lengthens effects applied on targets by Unraveling, Sever, and Suspend. A nice general fragment, for players who are unsure what to add in their last fragment slot.

Strand Super

Destiny 2 Warlock Strand Super Needlestorm

The Strand Warlock Super is Needlestorm. Players will conjure and send out several wisps of needle-like Strand which will track nearby targets. On impact, they will hatch into Threadlings that will further seek out enemies, or perch on the player if there are no targets to go to. Overall, a fantastic Super with a likeness to Nova Bomb.

Mods & Artifact Mods

Destiny 2 Allied Unraveling

Season of Defiance, or season 20 of Destiny 2, is the birth season of Strand, which means that many of the seasonal artifact mods will favor Strand-centric gameplay. It's to be expected that this won't be the case in the future, but for now, here's what to choose from the artifact when making a Strand Warlock build:

  • Authorized Mods: Strand: Will lessen the cost of any Strand-related mods, making buildcrafting a lot cheaper armor energy-wise.
  • Multi-Siphon Mods: These will allow access to Siphon mods (mods that create Orbs of Power) that combine Strand and Solar or Strand and Void. This is especially useful since Strand weapons are only available in the Kinetic slot, and players will likely have to use other energy types in the rest of their build.
  • Untangler: When players shoot a Tangle with a Strand weapon, it will suspend nearby enemies who are hit by the detonation.
  • Allied Unraveling: Scoring rapid kills with Strand weapons will grant players Unraveling Rounds. If allies are nearby, the buff is extended. This is easily one of the most useful mods for Strand on the artifact and a must-pick.
  • Threaded Blast: Another must-pick. Buffs the detonation from destroying a Tangle with a Strand weapon.
  • Counterweave: More focused on endgame PVE, and not as much of a must-have. When the player or their ally stuns or kills a champion will grant players energy for their lowest charged Strand ability.
Destiny 2 Firepower Mod For Strand Build

From the regular selection of mods, Strand Warlocks should focus on mods that let them cycle their class ability and their grenade, especially if they focus heavily on Threadlings in their build. For Threadling-centric builds, pick:

  • Ashes to Assets: Grenade kills grant players additional Super energy.
  • Bolstering Detonation: Gain class ability energy when dealing damage with grenades.
  • Firepower: Spawns Orbs of Power with grenade final blows.
  • Bomber: Using class ability reduces grenade cooldown.

RELATED: Destiny 2: All Season Of Defiance Weapons, Ranked

Weapons & Gear

Destiny 2 Swarmers Warlock Exotic Boots

Strand Warlocks will absolutely need the Swarmers Exotic boots to bring their build to the next level. Swarmers can be acquired after completing the campaign or from Legend/Master Lost Sector chests if players didn't choose Swarmers at the end of the Lightfall campaign.

Swarmers give two key effects: destroying Tangles will now spawn Threadlings and targets damaged by the player's Threadlings will now Unravel. This is fantastic for ad-clearing, which is evidently what Strand Warlocks will be most useful for.

In terms of weapons, any weapon that deals Strand damage will pair well with Strand Warlock. The best option is Quicksilver Storm, which turns into a Strand weapon when the Catalyst is fully applied, but some Season of Defiance weapons with the Hatchling perk or Neomuna weapons that are also Strand will work. Overall, Strand builds have a lot of leeway thanks to the artifact mod that combines both Strand and Solar/Void Siphon this season.

Destiny 2 Eye Of Another World Warlock Exotic Helmet

If players don't have Swarmers just yet but want to have a decent Broodweaver build, there are a few generalist Warlock Exotics that can help elevate Strand.

  • Mantle of Battle Harmony: Has been tweaked to now function with Strand. Kills with Strand weapons while wearing this Exotic chest piece grants additional Super energy. If the player's Super energy is full, kills with Strand weapons will instead provide bonus damage to Strand weapon damage.
  • Verity's Brow: Now also works with Strand. Kills with Strand weapons give players Death Throes, a buff that increases grenade damage and grants grenade energy. While this buff is active, activating the grenade ability grants nearby allies increased grenade recharge rates for a short while.
  • Karnstein Armlets or Necrotic Grips: Fantastic for melee-centric Strand builds, but a bit more niche. Karnstein Armlets grant health instantly on melee kills, while Necrotic Grips deal poison damage that hurts enemies over time and spreads the infection upon their death to nearby targets.
  • Eye of Another World: Extremely generalist Exotic that grants a 50% regeneration rate to melee, Rift, and grenade abilities while also highlighting enemies that are under 50% health.

Destiny 2: Lightfall is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Destiny 2: Best Changes In Lightfall