The Sparrow Racing League was one of the most entertaining features from the first Destiny. Taking place during December 2015 (and returning in December 2016), the mode allowed players to race their Sparrow vehicles and bag themselves some loot in the process.

The Sparrow Racing League is so well-loved by fans, in fact, that many have asked for developer Bungie to bring it back for Destiny 2. Although Bungie has yet to make any official confirmations about whether Sparrow Racing League will make a triumphant return, players who have dug into the files of Destiny 2 on PC say that they have uncovered evidence that suggests it's coming back.

These assets include five different voice lines that say the following: "Throw caution to the wind, your race is already determined", "fear is the greatest threat to a rider's outcome", "the [Future] War Cult will find the best riders, anything to further the cause", "do you consider yourself a Sparrow jockey, Guardian?", and "reviewing the SRL results is a guilty pleasure."


The fact that these sound assets are available in the files of Destiny 2 PC right now suggests that Bungie plans to reintroduce the Sparrow Racing League sooner rather than later. The developer recently announced that it would be bringing back the winter event, The Dawning, saying that ice hockey and other wintery activities would be available. Given that the Sparrow Racing League was last seen in The Dawning event of 2016, it would only be fitting that the developer would bring it back for the third year in a row.

Destiny 2 players would also be delighted if the Sparrow Racing League was to make a comeback. If the real-life Sparrow racing video is anything to go by, fans clearly love the Sparrow vehicle whether it is in the game or outside of it. SRL would be sorely missed if Bungie opted not to bring it back for the new game. Arguably, the only reason not to bring it back is that the developer is far too busy developing other things.

The return of the feature would also be good news to players who have already completed much of Destiny 2's end-game content. It could mean that December includes The Dawning, Sparrow Racing League and the arrival of the first piece of expansion DLC. Nothing is confirmed yet, though, but fingers crossed for a holiday miracle.

Destiny 2 is out now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Source: Reddit