Just a few weeks ago, Bungie outlined a huge amount of plans for its popular live service shooter, Destiny 2. Since breaking off with Activision, Bungie has continued to evolve the experience, releasing numerous seasons, a pair of expansions, as well as introducing new features into the game like cross save. It's most ambitious change came late last year as it not only vaulted a large part of the game, but introduced a sunsetting mechanic which essentially made a huge portion of guns and armor irrelevant.

While Bungie announced that it is reversing course and stopping its plans for sunsetting in the future, the company continues to forge ahead with numerous plans to continue evolving the experience. In addition to things like crossplay, new content, and other balancing efforts, the studio continues to work on smaller quality of life changes such as armor transmog. Mods have also received a lot of changes over the years, first with the Armor 2.0 changes, and most recently to how Ghosts function.

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Mods inside of Destiny 2 have come a long way since the game first launched, and most fans would argue that they're in a very good spot at the moment. However, Bungie has continually added new mods into the game over the years and retrieving them has become a chore thanks in large part to being on rotation at the Tower gunsmith, Banshee-44. The daily mods rotate, but Banshee only sells two per day, so many people like Skill Up have grown frustrated waiting for certain ones they may have missed to show up and become more available.

Thankfully, the community frustrations surrounding available mods are known by Bungie. Community manager Dylan "dmg04" Gafner responded to Skill Up confirming that Bungie was working on a fix, though no changes are planned to Destiny 2 in the short term. Gafner did acknowledge that the team in charge of this change is excited about the challenge, seemingly indicating that a potential fix is still in the very early stages.

Many responses to the request call for Bungie to simply expand Banshee's inventory slots to include 4-5 mods per day. Others have mentioned a specific sub-menu where players could purchase the mods they want. Whatever the fix may be, fans shouldn't expect a resolution anytime soon, especially considering that the studio recently announced a big delay to the previous 2021 Witch Queen expansion. While the new content has been pushed into early 2022 to give the studio more time, other pressing bugs have surfaced including teleporting enemies, 12 player activity glitches, and an exploit negatively impacting Trials of Osiris.

Destiny 2: Beyond Light and the new Season of the Chosen are available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

MORE: New Destiny 2 Seasonal Mods That Break the Game