Recently, the Tribute Hall was added to Destiny 2 that tasked players with various activities in order to unlock new tributes and, ultimately, the Bad Juju catalyst. These tributes can be purchased from the Visage of Calus but at a steep rate, unless players have maximized their Tribute Hall discount up to 80%. This requires players to complete Champion Bounties, and without some form of cheese, takes at least 20 days to build up.

Now, a Destiny 2 player has discovered that this discount is tied to a secret tribute in the Tribute Hall. Tribute 51, dubbed Gotta Collect 'Em All, is unlocked by having a full discount and placing every tribute in the hall. At the time of this writing, though, it appears as if this tribute doesn't do anything other than making the door symmetrical, but this may be tied to the bounty glitch.

Having a full discount is not supposed to happen yet in Destiny 2, as the 4% earned per day requires 20 days to get (and 20 days haven't passed yet). So, because this secret tribute was discovered via this glitched method, it's possible that the tribute's effect isn't in-game yet. Of course, it's entirely possible that the tribute doesn't do much or anything at all, but the former explanation seems more likely than the tribute just doing nothing at all.

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Building on that explanation is the fact that the 20-day mark coincides with the Destiny 2 Solstice of Heroes event release. It's possible that update is meant to bring in the effect of the secret tribute, which doesn't necessarily mean that Tribute 51 is connected to the Solstice of Heroes, but it could be. It's also worth mentioning that the Solstice of Heroes armor upgrade quests for the event have been data-mined and released into the world.

destiny 2 tribute 51 secret tribute

For the time being, Destiny 2 players will just have to wait and see if this tribute does something on the 20th day. Regardless, between the Tribute Hall and the forthcoming Solstice event, it seems safe to say that Bungie is ending Year 2 on a high note, as the Shadowkeep expansion will officially begin Year 3 in September.

Destiny 2 is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: What is Destiny 2: Shadowkeep's New Power Level Cap?

Source: Reddit