Destiny 2’s dedicated fan base is always looking for new and interesting ways to take down the raid bosses in the game. This time, it seems that some players have managed to beat the new Destiny 2 raid boss, Val Ca’uor, in less than one second, all thanks to a peculiar bug in the raid.

This strategy, shown off by YouTuber Gladd, exploits a bug in the Spire of Stars raid lair where players can duplicate the orb that Calus needs to bring down Ca’uor’s shield. If a player perfectly positions themselves on top of Calus after he rises into the air, when the other teammates throw the balls of Greed to Calus, they will be intercepted by the player up top, but still register that Calus has them. So, players duplicate three orbs, Calus dropps Ca’uor’s shield, and players use the orbs to do insane damage.


To take Ca'our down this fast, the three orbs need to be thrown at the boss after the shield goes down, then two players use Celestial Nighthawk hunters to do more massive damage, while the last player uses Hammer Strike from the Sunbreaker Titan subclass to increase the damage of all incoming attacks. With Hammer Strike in place, the orbs deal over 500,000 damage each. However, the attacks have to be executed simultaneously to avoid the boss going immune again.

Destiny 2’s upcoming Forsaken expansion will feature a brand-new raid in the new Dreaming City. According to Bungie, this raid will feature more boss fights than any other raid in Destiny history. This will give fans plenty of opportunities to find out what the “optimal DPS” is for each new boss.

Forsaken also brings with it the weapon system re-work, which will allow players to equip any type of weapon in any weapon slot. This tactic may very well be a game-changer for how raids are executed. While ammo will be in short supply if running multiple of the same weapon type, there may be enough to still inflict some serious damage to the denizens of the Dreaming City.

Destiny 2: Forsaken releases September 4, 2018 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Source: Gladd - Youtube