Destiny 2 is a rather complex game when it comes to its lore and gameplay, for which players usually have to research information outside of the game to learn the ropes. Because Destiny 2 is a looter shooter, it means that the core mechanic of the game is to obtain progressively better loot through its many activities, be it in PvE or PvP, and one of the most unique items players can find are Exotics. These items have special properties that can drastically change the way the game is played, often enhancing specific niche playstyles and making them great options.

As such, with plenty of class-exclusive Exotic armor pieces comes the burden of deciding which ones to favor over the others, especially considering that some of them have powerful interactions with Exotic weapons. This is what Destiny 2 YouTuber and content creator Marshix tackles in a recent video, showcasing great Exotic combos to try before The Witch Queen, and possibly picking a build to start the new campaign with.

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One of the most interesting combinations of Exotics covered by Marshix's video is that of Ticuu's Divination and Severance Enclosure, a Titan-exclusive chest armor that makes powered melee kills create an explosion around targets they defeat. In this case, the build takes advantage of Ticuu's Divination's debuff, which makes targets hit with it explode on death, dealing AoE damage.

Striking targets with Ticuu's Divination and finishing them with melee abilities will trigger two explosions at the same time, making for great add clearing potential in low-to-mid-tier content. As for high-end activities, such as Grandmaster Nightfalls, it would probably be better to use tested loadouts when facing some of the most powerful enemies in Destiny 2.

Another item that is often regarded as one of Destiny 2's worst Exotics is Oathkeeper, a pair of Hunter gloves that allow players to retain a perfect draw on bows indefinitely. This can be exceptionally useful in PvP and to practice timing in PvE with a few bows, but especially so with Le Monarque, which applies a nasty DoT on enemies hit by arrows that were perfectly drawn - which means every shot with Oathkeeper.

Destiny 2 Hunters can also chain invisibility infinitely with Graviton Forfeit and 100 Strength, but Marshix's video throws in the Rat King for extra up-time on the invisibility when players score kills with this sidearm. Overall, out of the nine Exotic combinations presented in the video, Destiny 2 players are likely to find something they never tried, and with The Witch Queen approaching it might be best to try them now, before any changes are made to the items involved.

Destiny 2 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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