The upcoming changes to the mod system in Destiny 2's Lightfall expansion are a game-changer for players. Removing energy affinity for mods eliminates the need for multiple versions of a given armor piece, streamlining the buildcrafting experience for players. Additionally, converting the Combat Style socket into an additional mod socket for that armor slot, such as helmets and gauntlets, provides players with more options for customization in Destiny 2's PvE and PvP sandbox.

One of the major changes is the removal of the need for four different versions of a given armor piece for build crafting purposes. This means that players no longer have to have multiple versions of the same armor piece, one for each energy type. This simplifies the buildcrafting process and saves players time and resources. Players will no longer need to keep multiple sets of high-rolled armor, which should significantly cut down on grinding time overall. This will give players more time to grind for specific rare items or Power Level in Destiny 2, farming Exotics, Artifice armor, or high-end materials like Ascendant Shards.

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How Changes to Destiny 2's Mods Can Improve Players' Experience

Destiny 2 Seasonal Artifact Mods

Another significant change is the conversion of the Artifact mod slot into an additional regular mod socket for that armor. This allows players to have more options for customization, providing them with more opportunities to tailor their builds to their playstyle. Additionally, reducing the energy cost of many of those mods helps give players more opportunities to mix and match. Destiny 2 players can now easily experiment with different builds and playstyles, making the endgame experience more enjoyable with an expanded selection of mods that, when coupled with loadouts, keeps the pace between matches up.

Another key change is that certain armor mods that, prior to Destiny 2's Lightfall, provided benefits to weapons based on the kind of weapon used will now instead give benefits to weapons based on their damage type. This evens out the playing field for all weapon types and should make it easier to create a powerful suite of mods to benefit multiple weapons in a loadout sharing one or multiple damage types. More freedom of choice in what players can decide to use at any given time is a nice quality-of-life addition.

Certain Powerful Builds in the Current Destiny 2 Meta Won't Be Available Post-Lightfall

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While these changes were mainly made to streamline the buildcrafting experience, some tuning was also done to address power spikes caused by certain build combinations. Some mods were changed, moved to other slots, transitioned to different abilities, or removed. Some ability energy gains, stat bonuses, and weapon damage bonuses from mods have been reduced. However, new mods have also been added to expand players' build possibilities. Unfortunately, Bungie says that some of the strong builds players are using now won't make the transition into Destiny 2's Lightfall expansion's sandbox balance. Bungie followed that up by reassuring players that some of those builds will eventually be added back in after further balancing.

In conclusion, the changes to the mod system in Destiny 2's Lightfall expansion are a game-changer for players. The removal of energy affinity for mods eliminates the need for multiple versions of a given armor piece, streamlining the Destiny 2 buildcrafting experience. The conversion of the Combat Style socket into an additional mod socket for that armor slot provides players with more options for customization. Additionally, reducing the energy cost of many of those mods helps give players more opportunities to mix and match. These changes open up new possibilities for players with new mods and ability combinations.

Destiny 2 is currently available for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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