At its core, Destiny 2 is a game that is meant to be enjoyed with others. While the campaigns for each expansion in Destiny 2 can be played solo, much of the content in the game is designed with teamwork in mind. This is supported by the fact that most, if not all PvE content, becomes easier to accomplish when the talents of each of the three classes in the game are used alongside one another rather than just focusing on one.

There are instances where this may not be the case and PvE Hunters in Destiny 2 can be problematic but overall, the game’s most challenging activities stress the need for teammates. This being the foundation to most of the experiences in Destiny 2 also draws out one of the game’s largest oversights, not having matchmaking for all of its activities. While raids have had guided games in beta for longer than players care to think about, they still haven’t received a dedicated matchmaking system. Raids aren’t exclusive in this fact and the lack of matchmaking for different content can become a hindrance to players looking to participate in the end-game content that Destiny 2 has to offer, so it is about time that all activities get matchmaking.

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Raids, Dungeons, and End-game Content

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Matchmaking not being available in all activities can be upsetting, especially for those who are just starting to dive into the grind, as it negatively impacts the solo experience in Destiny 2. There is a lot for players to get acquainted with once their light level is high enough, and some of it is important to the overarching narrative that is being told in Destiny 2. Locations like dungeons aren’t as complicated as a raid, but can have equally important lore attached. The Prophecy Dungeon incorporates some of the most mysterious and powerful entities in the story of Destiny 2, but currently requires players to look for a fireteam through the Bungie website, have friends ready, or attempt to do the dungeon solo.

While there are unique rewards for being able to complete the Prophecy Dungeon solo, that doesn’t mean that the default for enjoying the activity without a readymade fireteam should mean players have to take it on by themselves. Providing matchmaking for Destiny 2 dungeons would mean that more players would have access to them without having to take extra steps. The LFG system that is on Bungie’s website might seem like a good alternative, but it can come with its own problems.

Players who are familiar with activities can sometimes be hard to find, and the Prophecy Dungeon, Pit of Heresy, and Shattered Throne have mechanics that aren’t always straightforward. The same goes for raids and the Grandmaster Nightfall strikes. Getting into these activities requires not only experience playing Destiny 2 and a high enough light level, but teammates that also meet the same requirements. Adding matchmaking to all activities in Destiny 2 would give players a way to connect with others that want to play through these pieces of content and help to build up the game’s community even more, while also allowing players to learn harder content naturally.

While the LFG page might seem like a good place to see this idea in action, some postings can feel exclusive or unwelcoming. The return of Gjallarhorn with the Bungie 30 Anniversary Pack will mean a lot of veteran players getting their hands on a beloved weapon, but also memories of when it was an LFG requirement. Not having a certain weapon can get players kicked from an LFG team, and while matchmaking might not be a perfect fix to this problem, it would at least provide an alternative option for players still plagued by the low drop rates for the Vex Mythoclast.

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Matchmaking for Empire Hunts

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On top of this, adding matchmaking to all activities could provide for a smoother approach to how the game is played overall. While focusing on high-level end-game activities seems like the peak of what matchmaking for all activities could be, some intermediate pieces of Destiny 2 content could shine even more with universal matchmaking. Harder versions of the Empire Hunts from the Beyond Light expansion or Nightmare Hunts from Shadowkeep can be fun and challenging as their difficulty goes up, but like Nightfall strikes they lose their matchmaking features even as their rewards are increased.

This approach to both Hunts and general Nightfall strikes feels inorganic and takes a lot away from Destiny 2. They each have the potential to be premier content that fans want to play through again and again, but not all players want to have to try and solo them. Looking for teammates can feel overbearing and takes away from being able to log in and simply enjoy what Destiny 2 has to offer. Adding matchmaking to all activities would provide players with an alternative option when it comes to meeting new Guardians and building teams that allow them to take on these challenges.

The same can be said for the exotic missions that have come with the season passes in Destiny 2. Both the Harbinger and Presage missions reward players with an exotic weapon, and while this content itself helps to make Destiny 2's season pass worthwhile, that doesn’t mean it can’t also benefit from matchmaking. Being able to play through these missions without first having to search LFG pages or trying to plan around everyone in a fireteam's schedule would make memorable content even more enjoyable in the future, while also increasing the rate at which players play the missions.

While it’s worth considering the difficulties that could come with adding matchmaking to these activities, it doesn’t mean it shouldn't be implemented. Players who leave activities or are AFK could be a hindrance, but instead of not providing matchmaking, an alternative solution should be implemented. Restricted content or timed bans could discourage players and still allow matchmaking to thrive within Destiny 2.

Alternatively, some players might still want to do content solo and they should be allowed to. The Trials of Osiris labs recently implemented a freelance node, and a similar approach could be used elsewhere in Destiny 2. Instead of forcing players to have premade fireteams, like Trials used to, the option should be to let players matchmake, team up, or attempt solo runs. Providing more players with access to everything that Destiny 2 has to offer would benefit everyone, even if finetuning would be needed farther down the line.

Destiny 2 is now available on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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