First introduced in Season 3, the Service Revolver Hand Cannon received some extra attention in season 6 of Destiny 2. It originally had set rolls, meaning that every Service Revolver was practically the same, but season 6 gave it random rolls when it dropped. However, to get a Service Revolver with random rolls, Destiny 2 players will need the original revolver with set rolls, so here's how to get the original and the one with random rolls.

The good news for players who already picked up the Service Revolver Hand Cannon in season 3 is that it can be purchased again from the Collections. This will be the version with the set perks, but Destiny 2 players who don't already have access to the original gun will need to complete a few extra steps to getting the new one.

To unlock the original Service Revolver in Destiny 2 now, players will need to complete the season 6: Completions Triumph that tasks players with completing 40 strikes from the Vanguard Strike playlist. While this sounds like a lot (and not doubt it is), players have a lot of grinding to unlock a God Roll of the Destiny 2 Service Revolver in the Vanguard Strike playlist after this, so get comfortable with the various strikes.

Completing this triumph will allow players to purchase the original Service Revolver from Zavala, and this opens up the opportunity of unlocking it with random rolls. Once Destiny 2 players have the original, the random roll version can be unlocked by grinding through even more Vanguard Strikes. Keep doing it until happy with the perks, but the general consensus on a God Roll of the Service Revolver is the steadyhand, ricochet, range finder, and kill clip perks. These would put this gun on the same level as the Not Forgotten Hand Cannon.

destiny 2 service revolver

The last thing to keep in mind is that season 6 is coming to an end, with the Destiny 2 season 7 start date right around the corner. Players will want to complete the aforementioned Triumph, or it's possible to be left waiting until a new way to unlock the weapon becomes available.

Destiny 2 is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Source: All Gamers