Season of Arrivals is now live in Destiny 2, and the main gameplay loop when it comes to earning loot this season focuses on the Contact public event and collecting Umbral Engrams. It is a similar system to last season's Seraph Tower public event but with its own twist for this season.

Like any public event in Destiny 2, the Contact event can be turned Heroic for a greater challenge and better rewards. Considering that Contact is a non-matchmade activity in a public space, the more players who know how to make the event go Heroic the better, especially when there may only be random players in the area.

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Before going into Contact, it is good to know that the Heroic version is a Power level 1040 event. So players will want to make sure they are as close to last season's Power cap and advancing into the 1000s before seriously attempting this event.

How to Trigger Heroic Contact Event

The Contact public event consists of four rounds for players to get through. The activity involves putting Motes into a bank similar to Gambit before summoning target enemies that must be killed to progress. The motes will drop from killing enemies that are part of the public event, but players will want to pay attention to the full patrol space when triggering the Heroic.

During each round, the pyramid above will illuminate an orange beam that points to an area away from the center of the event. At the end of that beam will be a circular area that contains a floating orb called a Bloom. The Bloom is guarded by a Champion, and in order to claim it, players need to defeat the Champion by using one of the three anti-Champion mods. Once the Champion is defeated, collect the Bloom and then deposit it into the bank. After collecting and banking one Bloom per round, the Heroic version of the Contact event will activate.

heroic season of arrivals

How to Complete Heroic Contact

Triggering the Heroic version will spawn a boss called the Taken Pyromaster. This is an extremely tanky boss, especially early in the season when players' power levels aren't as high.

Dealing damage to the Taken Pyromaster must be done in phases, starting first with whittling down the first segment of its health bar. When each segment is depleted, the boss will activate a shield around itself, and the only way to deactivate the shield is to destroy a Taken blight that has spawned somewhere nearby. Players can find the blight by looking for a marker on their HUD.

Reward from Completing Heroic Contact

What do players get for all this effort? It appears that players are guaranteed to get an Umbral Engram at the completion of the Heroic version of Contact, which usually drops at random during activities during Season of Arrivals.

Destiny 2 is available now for PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.

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