A week before the launch of Destiny 2’s next major expansion, Forsaken, the game will receive a major update that will completely rework the weapon slots. In the new system, there will now be powerful weapons like shotguns and sniper rifles that can be equipped to the Kinetic slot. This change will not only affect new Year 2 weapons, but a number of popular Power weapons from Year 1 will be reassigned into new slots as well.

Destiny 2’s developer, Bungie, has revealed a list of the Year 1 Power weapons that lose their elemental energy damage and will also no longer be equipped in the third Power weapon slot:

  • Baligant
  • Shepherd’s Watch
  • Hawthorne's Field-Forged Shotgun
  • Alone as a God
  • Perfect Paradox
  • The Frigid Jackal
  • Silicon Neuroma

Bungie did not give reasons as to why these particular weapons will be moving into the Kinetic slot, but it's likely that one of the reasons Hawthorne's Field-Forged Shotgun and the Perfect Paradox shotguns are being moved to the Kinetic is the same reason the IKELOS shotgun is being locked as a Solar weapon. That is because all these shotguns are automatic, high-damage weapons that are especially effective in PvE and if they were allowed to have a Void element and were paired with the Tractor Cannon exotic shotgun it could lead to them being able to burn down high-level bosses much faster than intended.

destiny 2 forsaken character screen ui

Any players who are preparing for Forsaken by assigning their favorite weapons with an element of their choice before they are locked in on August 28 should take note that there is no reason to worry about the element of any of these weapons in their inventories because they are going to the Kinetic slot and losing their element altogether.

While these weapons are going into the Kinetic slot, they won't be getting a plethora of ammo allowing players the ability to roam PvE or PvP with those powerful weapons acting like a primary weapon. The new weapon system manages this by assigning each weapon a specific ammo type regardless of what slot it's in. For example, all these weapons that will be in the Kinetic slot are likely to take green ammo bricks to fill up.

Destiny 2: Forsaken releases September 4, 2018 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Source: Bungie