Because Destiny 2 is a live service title at its core, it offers several game modes for players to delve into as they please, with a certain degree of modular difficulty included as well. This holds true for PvP and PvE alike, with the former featuring a normal Crucible playlist where players can clash against each other, rotating modes that spice things up in different ways, Iron Banner as a monthly event, and Trials of Osiris as a proper high-end PvP experience.

PvE is different, and Destiny 2's Raids are one of the game's most renowned features as well as one of the most interesting ones, but another mode that makes PvE shine is Grandmaster difficulty Nightfalls. Nightfall Strikes are normally divided into difficulty branches, and Grandmaster Nightfalls are the hardest of the bunch due to limited revives and the whole team returning to Orbit when wipes occur. And yet, players often find ways to cheese Grandmaster Nightfalls for fun or simply because it's more efficient to run them like that.

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Proving Grounds is a Strike that was added as part of the storyline for Season of the Chosen, and ever since it's been one of the hardest GM Nightfall Strikes in Destiny 2. The first segment of the Strike is about players having to enter Caiatl's tank, and at the entrance, there is a mini-boss that spawns and creates shields that have to be destroyed by entering a protective bubble. A Reddit user by the name of moresynyster shared a video showing how this boss can easily be cheesed, and it consists of punching the Cabal enemy to death after the shields are down.

The boss would normally stomp the ground to send players flying away, shoot its gun, or launch blinding rockets, but this is not what happens in the video. Instead, the boss tries to walk away from players punching it, likely breaking its AI in a way that makes it harmless as long as he is repeatedly hit with melee attacks. However, this is but the beginning of the Strike, and Destiny 2 players willing to replicate the cheese will still have to go through what comes after.

Grandmaster Nightfall Strikes are arguably easier this time around than a few Seasons ago, and that's because of how powerful some seasonal mods are and how game-changing it was to have infinite primary ammo in Destiny 2. This doesn't mean the whole ordeal is necessarily easy per se, just that players have very strong tools in their arsenal as of now. Regardless, those looking for a quick start to the Strike need look no further than this trick.

Destiny 2 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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