This week, Destiny 2 developer Bungie outlined a ton of planned changes to the game both upcoming and far-reaching. In essence, the studio wants to give players a snapshot of how the game will change in the coming weeks and the coming months. So much so, in fact, that Bungie even detailed changes it is working on for fall 2018, when (presumably) the first major expansion would release for Destiny 2.

It might seem premature to talk about improvements included with a fall 2018 update, but Bungie is in a tight spot. The Destiny 2 fan base is frustrated with the current state of the game and they want to know how Bungie plans to improve the experience. And to Bungie’s credit, the response is far-reaching.

Among the more notable changes planned for the fall 2018 update are better clan rewards, masterworks exotics, Trials of the Nine improvements, tweaks to Guided games, the return of Crucible playlists like Rumble, and dismantling of shaders. That last item is a bit troubling if it means players will have to wait until fall to dismantle shaders in bulk, but perhaps Bungie is talking about something different.


The return of Rumble is something that Crucible fans have been asking for since Destiny 2 was announced with only 4v4 playlists, but the mode could only work if Bungie tweaks the current meta in the game as well. Luckily, an earlier update is said to include a sandbox balancing pass for the game, which could change up how gunfights work in PvP. Currently, without Power Ammo a player is unlikely to take out more than one player in any multi-player encounter.

  • Item Collections and Records
  • Weapon Slot and Archetype Improvements
  • Additional Crucible Playlists (e.g. Rumble)
  • Better Clan Rewards
  • Masterwork Exotics
  • Pinnacle Weapon and Gear Improvements
  • Trials of the Nine improvements
  • Shaders and dismantling
  • The Future of Guided Games
  • Address Solo Vs Fireteam matching

It’s also important to mention that some of the improvements that Bungie has planned for fall 2018 might hit the game sooner, according to the blog post. One has to guess that Bungie will be plenty busy implementing all of the other changes it has outlined, like Masterwork Armor, Ranked PvP play, and more, but there could be a change or two slid in before September.

It will be interesting to see how Bungie implements some of these planned changes and whether or not these issues are actually worth addressing by the time fall comes around. Assuming fall is also when Destiny 2’s Taken King-esque expansion will launch, Bungie is going to have to prove that the game is in a state where players want to come back and spend $30+ on new content. Right now that’s a stretch, but the planned updates for the game are a good start.

Destiny 2 is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.