Destiny 2's current Season of the Drifter and Joker's Wild add-on brought a small collection of exotics to the game, an exotic gauntlet for each class and the return of Destiny 1's exotic hand cannon Thorn. But there is one other exotic weapon that is coming this season that is missing in action. It is a kinetic linear fusion rifle called Arbalest, and newly datamined information shows that this unreleased exotic will likely arrive as part of the upcoming Revelry live event.

From the partial information available, it appears that the path to get Arbalest will be similar to the way players earned weapons in the most recent iterations of Festival of the Lost or The Dawning. According to one of the developers at fan database site, "Eander," Destiny 2's Update 2.2.1 added information that suggests the exotic will be available to purchase from events vendor Eva Levante. Arbalest appears to be among the items players will be chasing during The Revelry.

According to the datamined information, there is a classified currency in the database that is earned by completing Revelry bounties. Turning in 300 of this currency will allow players to purchase Arbalest from Eva Levante. Looking further into the files, it appears that each Revelry bounty will award 25 of this currency, so doing the math, it will take 12 completed bounties to get enough currency to earn Arbalest. What those bounties entail or how the event functions as a whole is completely unknown at this time.

But this should sound familiar to players who earned the Horror Story auto rifle during the last Festival of the Lost, which required players to earn that event's Fragmented Souls currency. Turning in enough Fragmented Souls allowed the purchase of Horror Story from Amanda Holliday, and the way to get Arbalest sounds very similar.

destiny 2 arbalest exotic season 6

As for Arbalest's unique perks, it has two synergistic ones:

  • Compounding Force: Fires slugs that cause massive damage to elemental shields of enemy combatants.
  • Disruption Break: Breaking an enemy's shield with this weapon makes them more vulnerable to Kinetic damage for a brief period.

The Revelry is set to begin next week on April 16, 2019, so players will not have to wait long to see the full details and path to Arbalest for themselves. Until then, Destiny 2 players can occupy themselves with Arc Week, which is currently active in the game.

Destiny 2 is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Source: Destiny The Game Reddit