Like virtually every other live service game, Destiny 2 features an in-game shop where players can spend real money to get cosmetic items. In Destiny 2's case, the store is called the Eververse, and there players can exchange real money for the Silver premium currency, which can then be spent on a rotating selection of items. Besides the main set of Eververse items that rotate in and out of the shop, there's also typically Eververse items for each in-game season and special events.

The Destiny 2 30th Anniversary is one such event that's being celebrated in the Eververse, giving players the opportunity to buy special cosmetic items that will only be available for a limited time. These premium items include the Birthday Blade Finisher, which makes it look like a Guardian is taking down an enemy with an Energy Sword from Halo, as well as the special Dead Man's Revenge ornament for the Dead Man's Tale Scout Rifle. However, one 30th Anniversary Eververse item that's getting a lot of attention is the newly added Too Cool Dance, available to purchase for 500 silver.

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For the equivalent of $5, Destiny 2 players can buy the Too Cool Dance for their emote collection. It allows their Guardian to perform the infamous dance that "evil" Tobey Maguire does in Spider-Man 3 while he's under the influence of the symbiote. The dance has often been pointed to as one of the most ridiculous things to happen in Spider-Man 3 and persists today as a popular meme.

The timing of the Too Cool Dance from Spider-Man 3 coming to Destiny 2 is unlikely to be a coincidence. While he has not been confirmed for the upcoming Spider-Man: No Way Home, rumor has it that Tobey Maguire may be reprising his role as Peter Parker/Spider-Man in the new MCU movie. Whether or not that actually happens remains to be seen, but one has to imagine that Bungie added this emote to the game partly because of how soon Spider-Man: No Way Home is hitting theaters.

Destiny 2 players don't have to own the 30th Anniversary Pack to buy these items from the Eververse, so anyone interested in getting the Spider-Man 3 Too Cool Dance can do so while it's available in the shop. However, hardcore Destiny 2 fans will still want to consider getting the 30th Anniversary Pack regardless, as it comes with some high quality new content, like a brand new dungeon and an Exotic quest to get the fan favorite Gjallarhorn rocket launcher.

Destiny 2 is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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