Destiny 2: Warmind introduced the new Escalation Protocol endgame activity into the game, which is the closest thing Destiny 2 has ever had to a Horde or Firefight Mode. Players need to survive seven levels (each with four waves) to claim a special set of armor and weapon rewards. The bosses and the loot refresh each week, so we have put together this guide to help you beat the mode's final boss as well as reveal which weapon is up for grabs for this week. The recommended Power level for Escalation Protocol is 370.

Here is the Escalation Protocol guide for the week of May 29, 2018:

Level 7 Boss: Naksud, The Famine

The final boss of Escalation Protocol this week is Naksud, The Famine. Last week, we compared the look of the final boss, Damkath, to Golgoroth from Destiny 1's King's Fall raid; however, Naksud is practically a carbon copy. But Naksud has its own mechanic.

When the boss wave begins, focus on clearing out the adds (including the Shriekers that spawn above the Incursion Site) while avoiding Naksud's Void beam. Watch for a Major Hive Wizard that spawns behind players back by the bridge. The special mechanic here is that while damaging Naksud, a herd of Cursed Thrall will rush towards the giant ogre. Each Thrall that reaches Naksud will heal the boss. So there are two main options here: Burn down Naksud as quickly as possible before the Thrall can even reach Naksud, or have one to two players watch the back of the area and kill any Thrall before reaching the boss.

The most effective method players are using in Escalation Protocol is a combination of the Exotic Tractor Cannon and Void classes, especially Voidwalkers and Sentinels. Hitting Naksud with the Tractor Cannon will increase all Void damage done to it for five seconds. Additionally, a Sunbreaker Titan can apply Melting Point to stack the damage.

Have a player equipped with a Tractor Cannon who will keep hitting Naksud with the debuff. A Sentinel Titan can also drop a Ward of Dawn bubble right in front of Naksud to spawn orbs and provide protection for the team should they choose to use shotguns. Nightstalkers can also tether with Shadowshot.

All the other players should focus on dealing damage with Void Power Weapons, Void Grenades (especially ones that zone and apply damage for a long time), and Nova Bombs. Naksud will go down fairly quickly.

destiny 2 warmind escalation protocol sniper rifle

Weekly Weapon Drop: IKELOS_SR_v1.0.1 Sniper Rifle, IKELOS_SMG_v1.0.1 Submachine Gun, and IKELOS_SG_v1.0.1 Shotgun

That's right, where there is usually one special drop every week of Escalation Protocol, this week all three activity-specific weapons have a chance of dropping.

According to fans, each weapon is said to have a 5% chance of dropping from the boss, so best of luck out there!

Destiny 2: Warmind is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.