Aspect of Control is new quest introduced as part of Destiny 2's Beyond Light expansion, and it begins by sending players on the hunt for Entropic Shards. These black pyramids can be found floating in a variety of locations around Europa, and fans simply need to shoot five of them with the Salvation's Grip grenade launcher to advance to the next stage of the Aspect of Control quest. For those players that may be having some trouble locating the requisite five Entropic Shards, this guide is here to help.

To note, there are actually a total of nine Entropic Shards to find in Beyond Light, and fans will need to visit them all if they want to earn the Study Darkness Triumph in Destiny 2. However, since only five are required for Aspect of Control, that is all that is being covered here. As such, players that are working toward the aforementioned Triumph or the Splintered Title will need to pursue other sources for the locations of the remaining four Entropic Shards.

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Destiny 2: Entropic Shard Locations

  1. Asterion Abyss: Navigate to the end of the Concealed Void Lost Sector in Destiny 2 and look directly up. The Entropic Shard is located in the glowing portion of the ceiling.
  2. Asterion Abyss: This Entropic Shard is situated atop the pillars on Europa's surface, just southeast of where the Concealed Void Lost Sector appears on the map.
  3. Cadmus Ridge: Destiny 2 players will find this Entropic Shard at the northwest corner of the area, near the entrance to Bray Exoscience.
  4. Kell's Rising: Fans should look under the stairs leading to the final platform to find this Entropic Shard.
  5. Technocrat's Iron: This last Entropic Shard can be found near the top of a pillar in boss room.

After a player has shot the fifth and final Entropic Shard, they will receive indication that a new step in the Aspect of Control quest is available. This step instructs fans to return to the Crux of Darkness in the Riis-Reborn Approach, and players simply need to commune with it upon arrival. Indeed, this will cause this new Destiny 2 quest to be marked as complete, and fans will receive a reward for their efforts.

More specifically, players will earn the Iceflare Bolts Stasis Aspect, which causes frozen enemies to spawn seekers when they are shattered. These seekers ultimately target and damage other nearby enemies, and fans that are enjoying the new Stasis subclasses in Destiny 2 are advised to give this Aspect a try.

Destiny 2: Beyond Light is now available on PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One, and Xbox Series X. The PS5 version will release on November 12.

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