For as much as Destiny 1 offered players a calendar of content after launch and before each next major expansion, most would agree that there were still major gaps. Content droughts are nothing new for online multiplayer games, but in the mind of Activision CEO Eric Hirshberg, things can be improved for Destiny 2.

Hirshberg has already said that Destiny 2 will feature a better schedule of post-release content, which will include smaller events and larger DLC add-ons. But it’s clearly a sticking point for the executive, who once again addressed concerns of Bungie repeating the sins of Destiny 1.

As Hirshberg explains, several Activision studios have been brought on-board the Destiny 2 team in order to help Bungie keep players satisfied with new content and experiences year long. While the CEO acknowledges that Destiny expansions like The Taken King and Rise of Iron were “great,” he admits that the devs could not meet the demand for new content. With studios like Vicarious Visions and High Moon now in the fold, though, he expects to “keep an even more robust pipeline of content in the ecosystem.”

"I have not been happy with the cadence [of new content]...We got a lot right with Destiny 1, but one of the things we didn't do was keep up with the demand for new content. I feel like that, as great as [DLC packs] The Dark Below, House of Wolves, The Taken King and Rise of Iron all are, clearly there was appetite for more. One of the things you'll see post the launch of Destiny 2, is that we have got additional AAA developers from inside the Activision ecosystem working with Bungie on Destiny content, including Vicarious Visions and High Moon. That will allow us to keep an even more robust pipeline of content in the ecosystem."

When Destiny first burst onto the scene it was one of the more polarizing releases in quite some time. While some were absolutely engrossed with the experience, others felt it fell short of Bungie’s initial pitch of a multiplayer RPG in a sci-fi setting. Those players dropped off relatively early, but even the most dedicated found that the lack of continuous content made it hard to keep coming back to the game.

In later years, Bungie was better about keeping the calendar full of regular events, but things like Festival of the Lost and Crimson Days pale in comparison to add-ons like House of Wolves and The Dark Below. In Year 1, Destiny players had major additions to look forward to, like a new raid and new multiplayer events.

It’s safe to assume based on Hirshberg’s comments that Bungie will be delivering a little bit of Year 1 and some Year 2/3 when it comes to Destiny 2. If early rumors are true there will be new content to enjoy as well as monthly events to keep players coming back. Droughts are bound to happen, but if Bungie can keep those droughts short they may be able to dominate even more of the year than normal.

Destiny 2 releases September 6, 2017 for PS4 and Xbox One, and October 24th for PC.
