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As per tradition, Destiny 2 players can celebrate the holiday season with The Dawning event once again, seeing Eva Levante's return to The Tower. The Dawning is a great time to play Destiny 2 because there are plenty of gifts to give and gifts to get in return from all of the most iconic NPCs in the game, as well as new loot and cosmetic items. There is a new quest available from Eva Levante this year called The Pigeon Provides, and this guide shows how to complete it.

The Pigeon Provides Quest - Step 1

The first step of the quest simply requires Destiny 2 players to speak with Eva Levante at the Tower and then complete the introductory mission from Season of the Splicer, called "The Lost Splicer." Those who have already completed it once will not need to do so again.

Destiny 2 Dawning 2021: How to Complete The Pigeon Provides Quest

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The Pigeon Provides Quest - Step 2

The second step of The Pigeon Provides entails speaking to Saint-14 in The Tower, which players can do in one go if they have completed the first quest of Season 14 already. Otherwise, players will need to head to Europa and follow the steps for the quest first, then head back to Saint-14 after meeting Mithrax.

Destiny 2 Dawning 2021: How to Complete The Pigeon Provides Quest

The Pigeon Provides Quest - Step 3

Saint-14 will provide players with a new quest step, which requires them to head over to Europa, near the Eventide Ruins.

Destiny 2 Dawning 2021: How to Complete The Pigeon Provides Quest

From the drop point, players should follow the quest icon that will lead them to an icy cave to find the Eliksni recipe for Swaddled Etherdips.

Destiny 2 Dawning 2021: How to Complete The Pigeon Provides Quest

The Pigeon Provides Quest - Step 4

The fourth step of the quest has three objectives to complete:

  • Retrieving Pure Ether Extract from Lost Sectors on Europa
  • Collecting Harpy Eggs from Vex Harpies
  • Collect Glacial Starwort from resource nodes and chests on Europa
Destiny 2 Dawning 2021: How to Complete The Pigeon Provides Quest

The first task is quite simple, as players only need to complete three Lost Sectors (it can also be the same Lost Sector over and over), and there is no difficulty requirement.

Destiny 2 Dawning 2021: How to Complete The Pigeon Provides Quest

The second task can be done concurrently, for players who complete the Perdition Lost Sector on Europa will have to deal with several Harpies each run, thus getting plenty of Harp Eggs. This is also a great spot to farm Vex Milk.

Destiny 2 Dawning 2021: How to Complete The Pigeon Provides Quest

Lastly, for Glacial Starwort, it can be useful to use a Ghost Shell with at least 6 energy available and slot a mod called Wombo Detector.

Destiny 2 Dawning 2021: How to Complete The Pigeon Provides Quest

Using it will reveal the location of all resource nodes and chests within 50 meters from players.

Destiny 2 Dawning 2021: How to Complete The Pigeon Provides Quest

The Pigeon Provides Quest - Step 5

The fifth step of the quest entails getting 15 Dawning Spirit, which Destiny 2 players can easily do by completing Eva Levante's daily bounties, baking gifts and giving them to the respective NPCs, and claiming Triumphs from The Dawning event section from the Triumphs page.

Destiny 2 Dawning 2021: How to Complete The Pigeon Provides Quest

Another method is to use the Starfarer 7M Exotic ship, which provides extra Dawning Spirit whenever players obtain any material or ingredient from The Dawning event, making the whole process much faster.

Destiny 2 Dawning 2021: How to Complete The Pigeon Provides Quest

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The Pigeon Provides Quest - Step 6

The sixth step of the quest has two tasks, which are much easier and faster to complete than those on step 4. Destiny 2 players need to:

  • Collect 5 Etheric Spiral from resource nodes and chests in the Tangled Shore
  • Purchase Kellsdough from Spider
Destiny 2 Dawning 2021: How to Complete The Pigeon Provides Quest

The first task can be completed with the same method from step 4, with the Wombo Detector Ghost Shell mod and running around the Tangled Shore.

Destiny 2 Dawning 2021: How to Complete The Pigeon Provides Quest

The second is even easier, as players simply need to head over to Spider and purchase Kellsdough with their 15 Dawning Spirit from step 5.

Destiny 2 Dawning 2021: How to Complete The Pigeon Provides Quest

The Pigeon Provides Quest - Step 7

Step seven requires players to go speak with Saint-14 once more. The Titan will be pleased with the players' progress and gift them the Dawning-exclusive Polycarbon Powder Shader.

Destiny 2 Dawning 2021: How to Complete The Pigeon Provides Quest

The Pigeon Provides Quest - Step 8

However, the quest is not finished, and players now have to head to the Eliksni Quarters, which are accessible from the H.E.L.M.'s directory map.

Destiny 2 Dawning 2021: How to Complete The Pigeon Provides Quest

Here, players have to look for Eliksni from the House of Light and give them treats, which is done by interacting with them.

Destiny 2 Dawning 2021: How to Complete The Pigeon Provides Quest

Players have to deliver ten treats total, which is very easy to do considering there are far more Eliksni in the quarters than those needed to complete the quest.

Destiny 2 Dawning 2021: How to Complete The Pigeon Provides Quest

The Pigeon Provides Quest - Step 9

After providing the adorable Eliksni with their much-deserved Dawning treats, players will have to speak to Saint-14 again, informing him of their success.

Destiny 2 Dawning 2021: How to Complete The Pigeon Provides Quest

The Pigeon Provides Quest - Step 10

Lastly, Destiny 2 players will have to visit Eva Levante in The Tower to complete the quest.

Destiny 2 Dawning 2021: How to Complete The Pigeon Provides Quest

Eva will award players a Masterwork Zephyr sword with Cold Steel, a new perk introduced with The Dawning 2021, which is particularly useful in Stasis builds to help freeze targets.

Destiny 2 Dawning 2021: How to Complete The Pigeon Provides Quest

The quest is now complete, and players can start getting random rolls for the Zephyr Legendary sword by exchanging materials and gifts with Eva Levante.

Destiny 2 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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