[The following post contains SPOILERS. For those who want to go in completely fresh, we highly recommend completing the Offering to the Oracle quest for the week]

A few weeks ago, a new cutscene from Destiny 2 hit the Internet, leaked by dataminers who were able to access the cutscene in the game's files. When the cutscene was found, it was almost certain to fit in somehow to the Black Armory DLC, but fans weren't sure exactly how. While the cutscene has been all over YouTube since the leak, players can legitimately access the cutscene this week from the Dreaming City.

To see the cutscene as intended, players need to complete the Gateway Between Worlds bounty from Petra Venj in the Dreaming City. As many players probably know by now, by progressing that bounty by playing the Blind Well and turning in the Offering to the Oracle on this third week of the three-week Dreaming City rotation when the curse is the strongest, players can access Mara Sov's throne world.

Going into Mara Sov's throne world, players will discover that Mara Sov is nowhere to be found. The hologram on the left side of the room after walking in has changed as well. Usually, holograms of the pyramid ships seen in the prologue cinematic of Destiny 2's main campaign are there. But now, it's a hologram of a rotunda in the Dreaming City, which is featured in the cutscene. Approaching the hologram will give a "Lean Closer" command prompt. Doing so will play this cutscene:

The revelation that Uldren has been revived by a Ghost has left fans with a lot of questions. Technically, now Uldren is a Guardian, leaving fans to wonder if he will replace Cayde-6 as the Hunter Vanguard, if Uldren will fight alongside players in future content, or if he will even remember everything he has done considering that in the lore Guardians do not remember anything about their past lives.

destiny 2 forsaken story uldren sov ace of spades

Also unknown is when Uldren will come into play in the future of Destiny 2. Black Armory just launched earlier this month, but the question remains if he will pop up later this year in some of the other planned DLC drops or in a future expansion or sequel.

Destiny 2 is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.